sounds of the past

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm blaring through my head. Startling me awake, I punched the snooze button in attemp to make it shut up. Knowing it was Friday and I had school in an hour, I switched the alarm off, and got up to start my morning routine.

Another dreamless sleep. And hopefully more to come.

To think about it... I was actually happy about one thing today. Seeing Will.

After I showered I got dressed. A grey shirt, with black ripped jeans, and my black converse.

I grabbed my school bag, and phone and left my room. Descending down the stairs i see Hazel waiting on the couch, as always.

"Mornin' Neeks." She said as her usual cheerful self.

"morning." I said.

Ready to go to school?" She said, with an almost sympathetic smile.

"Yep." I said with a forced smile. I shouldered my school bag and walked out the front door. I looked across the street and was hoping to see Will and Kayla walk out then door, but I was disappointed when they didn't, and I walked away from the house down the boulevard.

"Haze!" A cheery voice yells.

I turn around quickly and see Kayla running down the street. Will followed out his house, but wasn't running like Kayla.

I was happy when I saw him. I found my smile no longer forced.

Kayla came rocketing down the pavement, towards Hazel, and she adventually caught up to her. Kayla slung her arm over hazels shoulder.

"Hey Haze." Kayla greeted.

"Hi Kay." Hazel said in return.

Kayla turned back, looking at Will who was walking down the street. "WILL! Hurry up you slow ass."

"I'm coming! Jeez I can only walk so fast." he said reaching us on the street.
He was as usual wearing the same rubber bracelets. Why does he do that?

"Hey Nico." I realize I was staring at the street in the distance, and I snap my head up to meet Will's eyes.

"Oh, uh, hey." I say

"Hi Hazel." Will says turning his head to my sister.

"Hey." She says, Kayla's arm still draped over her shoulder.

I turned away from everyone and started walking down the street. I stop when I feel a couple drops of water splash on my hand.

"What the-" I say looking up at the dark cloudy sky. As I gaze up, rain starts falling down.

"Oh fuck no." I finally say before walking off to the direction of the school.

"Nico? What's wrong." I hear Will's voice behind be, and soon he's walking beside me.

"N-nothing Solace." I respond starting to get jittery.

"Do you not like rain?" He asks confused.

"Sure, I love rain. But I just don't like-" I stop talking when I see a flash of lightning through the sky

"-thunder." I finish and then I hear a faint rumble.

"Oh." He said. I walked faster almost running to the school. I didnt even like thunder when I was inside, there was no way in hell I would be outside when it was storming.

Vicino (Solangelo AU)[Completed]Where stories live. Discover now