Like A Treasure

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From now on this is in 3rd POV because I can't stand writing in Nico's point of view anymore but it will still follow Nico unless I find other reason to not do so.

Nico walked into his house as quietly as he could. It being eleven o'clock at night his parents were definitely home. He snuck upstairs and went to turn into his room until Nico glanced over at Hazel's room and saw the light still on.

'What is Hazel still doing up?' Nico thought. He wandered over to her door and lightly knocked. He heard a little fumbling and his sister opened the door.

"Hey Neeks! You're back." She smiled and gave no concern of her voice level.

"Shhhh, Haze Dad and Seph might here you. Our asses would be fried if they woike up." Nico said in a whisper and held a finger to his mouth signaling his step sister to be a little quieter.

"Oh sorry." Hazel said quietly and stepped back in her room. Nico followed her in and shut the door. He looked near the part if her room where she had an easel set up and multiple paints sprawled across the floor with a paint splattered bed sheet under the mess.

"What are you doing still up?" Nico asked looking at the painted mess.

"Oh I got caught up with my art. How was the party?" Hazel said, glancing at her brother and grabbing a small sized brush and a red cup of paint.

"It was fine. Not very many people were there so that was good. Some of your friends were there." Nico said walking over to her.

"They were?" She asked, not taking her eyes off the canvas.

"Yeah. Piper and Reyna only mentioned you."

"Ah. Yeah I hang out with Piper a lot. Jason occasionally. And Reyna and I are close because of Frank." Hazel explained while dabbing her brush with red and adding more color to her painting. Nico assumed it was the one of Piper she started and showed him earlier.

"Oh and me and Reyna agree on the whole Frazel thing." Nico smirked and crossed his arms.

Hazel stopped painting and looked at her brother. "Oh yeah. The ship name. Funny thing is that I talked to Frank earlier." Hazel put down her brush and put her painted hands on her hips. Some colors transferred from her messy hands to her smock.

"How is that funny?" Nico raised an eyebrow at her.

"Because you were taking about you and your little boyfriend! And we made up a ship name for you guys" Hazel smiled triumphedly.

"Will is not my boyfriend-"

"Yet! Not your boyfriend yet. And the ship name is Solangelo." Hazel cut him off.

"Hazel we've known each other for a month. That's too early to form a relationship like that."

"Oh my gosh Nico you both so like each other. It's obvious!" Hazel rolled her eyes and laughed.

Did Nico like Will? More importantly did Will like Nico? There was no way he could like him so quickly. Like Nico said, relationships take time to form. They had a friendship, sure. Although the few friendships Nico has had in is life, they were all different from the one he shared with Will. So what if there was something going on? Oh God, what if Nico did like Will. The smile he always gives Nico when Will sees him always made him feel better. He also teased Nico with the nickname 'Death Boy' and he countered it with Sunshine'. Didn't regular friends do that? Even if Will did flirt with him slightly it maybe wasn't intentional. When Lou told them to stop flirting in the car that was obviously a joke. Right?

Vicino (Solangelo AU)[Completed]Where stories live. Discover now