Mario Kart Champion

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Jason: You have a date with Will??? Dude why didn't you tell me!

At about five o'clock Nico got a text from Jason pestering him. Nico was getting ready to go over to Will's house.

Nico walked over to his phone that lied on his bed. He turned on the screen to find this message. Furrowing his eyebrows in annoyance he typed a message back.

Who told you?

Nico put his phone back down only to pick it back up a second later when his phone went off declaring another message.

Jason: Piper. . .

Nico rolled his eyes and groaned quietly. Why did he ever tell that girl anything? He didn't respond back and lightly tossed his phone back across his bed. It made a ding noise about thirty seconds later. "Jason shut the hell up." Nico scoffed to himself.

Jason: Man, you've been a ghost lately so I'm happy you're doing something besides going to school.

Nico still didn't answer. Another message popped up.

Jason: I ship it BTW

Tears threatened Nico's eyes when he read that message as he gripped the pocket sized device in his hand. He squeezed his brown eyes shut. It slightly reminded him of how Hazel went on and on about how cute Will and him would be. Nico opened his eyes and gazed at the carpeted floor.

"Because we were taking about you and your little boyfriend! And we made up a ship name for you guys" Hazel smiled triumphedly.

"Will is not my boyfriend-"

"Yet! Not your boyfriend yet. And the ship name is Solangelo." Hazel cut him off.

A slight smile danced on his face when he thought of her. She was always happy and bubbly. The fond memories of her dancing around her room squealing over his feelings for Will gave him a warm feeling in his heart. Nico tried not to wallow about her death. Happy memories. Happy thoughts. But why was it so hard to be happy?

Nico snapped out if his gaze and caught himself spacing out. He had a bad tendency to do that.

What time was it? Nico looked at the clock. 5:07 PM.

Shit! Nico was supposed to go over to Will's place at 5:00.

Nico ran his fingers through his messy black hair and grabbed his house key and phone then put them in his back pocket of his jeans.

Nico didn't really do much for the so called "date". He procrastinated for getting ready until thirty minutes before 4. He took a shower, changed his clothes from what he wore during that day. Nico had never gone on a date so he didn't know what to expect.

Running out the front door not bothering to see if his dad or Persephone were home, he slipped on a light grey jacket and walking out into the cold evening. Why was the sun already almost down? It was 5:00 it really should be a lot lighter. But then again it was snowing lightly. Nico enjoyed the cold presence of snow and the crisp smell of frozen snow in the sky and cold temperature that never failed to remind you of late December and Christmas even if it was only late November.

As Nico quickly walked across the street pavement, he left slight footprints on the ground that was dusted with snow.

He walked up onto Will's front porch and knocked on the door, then stick his hands back in his jacket pockets.

About twenty seconds later a smiling Will opened the door. "Hey Neeks," Will said and stepped back from the door motioning for him to come in.

"Hi." Nico said and stepped into the warm house and smiled slightly at Will.

Vicino (Solangelo AU)[Completed]Where stories live. Discover now