I Wouldnt Let You Fall

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*takes place the Thursday of same week*

"Nico guess what!"

I was in the midst of finishing my drawing, while I was interrupted by an excited Hazel bursting through my door.

I put down the sketch of my late sister Bianca, and look up at Hazel who was still panting from what I guessed was running up the stairs fast.

"Yes Hazel?" I ask.

"Theharvestmoonistonight!" She said all in one breath.

"Okay. Haze, now say it so I can understand."

"The. Harvest. Moon. Is. Tonight." She said slowly stretching out each word and syllable.

I jumped up out of my desk chair excitedly, "Wait, Really!I totally forgot."

"Yeah! We have to see it!" She responded.

"Can we see it from the woods? I want to watch it there."

"Yeah. At the old tree house there us a clearing above right? It will be visible there."

"Great! It's like 7:30 should we go now?" I ask while looking out my window.

It's getting dark outside and I see a faint orange glow behind trees.

"Yes let's go!"

I grab a flashlight and run out my door before going downstairs with Hazel by my side.

I'm about to reach the back door before Hazel stops me.

"Wait, should we ask Will and Kayla to come with? They might enjoy the moon too." Hazel states.

"No." I answer right away.

"Why not?" Hazel asks in a whiney voice.

"Because I don't want anyone to ruin it." I say crossing my arms.

Hazel stays silent tor a bit and then says her answer, "Too bad. I'm going to ask if they want to come."

"Fine. But Im going to go to that old tree house," i say walking out the door.

"Okay we'll meet you there." Hazel calls after me.

I grimaced at the words we. It has never been we, it had always been just us. Now I'm afraid more people are going to take that away. What if Hazel becomes best friends with Kayla or Will. What if she starts ignoring me more. What if I lose her?

I ponder these thoughts as I walk through the forest, going deeper and deeper into the woods. Finally I meet the small clearing of trees, and I climb to the old wooden structure that lies a top.

I go over to the side with no wall and i sit, once again with my legs hanging over the edge. It's not completely dark yet so the moon doesn't shine brightly orange to it's full extent. I grab the flashlight I brought and turn it on random tree limbs and leaves. The yellow artificial light gives off a sort of creepy feeling when focused on something that blends in with the dark. Especially when outside. Shining the light on a certain tree next to me, reminds me of the game P.T. for some reason.

I do this for a few minuted or so before I hear voices and footsteps nearing towards my location. I guess they decided to come after all.

Still shining the flash light around I ignore the footsteps. I see Hazel, Kayla, and Will in my peripheral vision but I don't turn my attention to them.

"Neeks!" Hazel calls to me. I shine my flashlight at her.

Hazel just laughs and runs to the old tree and climbs up the make shift steps, and sits next to me.

Vicino (Solangelo AU)[Completed]Where stories live. Discover now