Talk Nerd to me

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3 week time jump after last chapter

"Pleeeeeeease Nico?" Will pleaded to his best friend.

"No Solace. I'm not doing it." Nico sat on Will's bed with his arms crossed.

The last few weeks have boring and normal. Halloween is one week away and everyone was super excited for the holiday. Will pestered Nico about wearing a costume on Halloween but Nico kept refusing. Now they were in Will's room talking about it.

"Come on death boy why won't you wear a costume on Halloween! It's literally the only day if the year where we can dress in silly costumes and not be judged or be taken for idiot teenagers." Will lied on his stomach looking up at Nico.

Whilst Nico was talking to Will, his phone buzzed. He took his phone out of his pocket and saw that he had a text from Hazel.

Hey neeks, we just got off from the movie. I'm driving us home now.

Great! Tell me how the movie was. I'm at Will's right now so I'm not home.

Ooooh at your boyfriends house ;)

Hazel he's not my boyfriend!

She didn't respond to that so Nico out his phone away and continued the talk with Will.

"Hate to break it to you sunshine but people already think we're idiot teenagers." Nico said and chuckled.

"Yeah that's actually true." Will mumbled.

"It's your fault."

"How is it my fault!?" Will sat up.

"If you didn't act like an idiot all the time people wouldn't think that." Nico's smile grew.

"Also true." Will mumbled again.

Nico laughed. "But I'm still not going to wear a costume."

"Please Death Boy?" He begged.

"No." Nico looked him in the eyes.

"What if we cosplay?" Will raised an eyebrow and gave the idea. Nico stayed silent for a bit.

"... Maybe." He said.

"I'll take that as a yes! Whoo!" Will pumped his fists in the air.

"Sunshine calm the hell down! Why are you so excited?"

"Because being with you is exciting."

"You're such a sap." Nico groaned and rolled his eyes.

"Yeah but you love it."

"You're lucky I do." Nico muttered quietly.

"What did you say?" Will aksed.

"I said nothing."

"No you said something and you better tell me." Will crossed his arms.

"And what if I don't?"

"Then I'll... I have no idea." Will admitted.

"Ha!" Nico pointed and laughed.

"What?" Will asked.

"Nothing you're just a moron." Nico stopped laughing but still smiled.

"Hey! Take it back!" Will said pretending to be hurt by his friend's words.

"Nah." Nico shook his head.

"Take it back Di angelo!" He warned.

"No." Nico stuck his tongue out at will.

Will went at Nico and tackled the smaller boy, in which Nico yelped out of surprise in the process and Will ended up effectivally pinning him onto the mattress. "Take in back Death Boy."

Vicino (Solangelo AU)[Completed]Where stories live. Discover now