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It is now 4am on a Wednesday. Of course, Harry cannot sleep once again. It's kind of hard to shut off a thousand different thoughts and emotions all at once. It's kind of hard to just ignore yourself, don't you think?

Right now, Harry is thinking about running away from home, from his mother, from his nonexistent friends, from everything. He just wants to get up and run. Harry is angry from being ignored. He screams into his pillow to try to let it all out but it's not working. Harry begins to cry. He cries and cries and keeps crying. He doesn't know what's wrong with him. He doesn't know why his mood changes so quickly. Soon after he ends his tears, Harry starts hyperventilating. He's scared, just as anyone would be—times 100. Don't worry, this happens every single night, it'll pass. He'll soon return to crying and that'll lead him to sleep.

"Harry will you just shut the fuck up already?!" Harry's mother slams his bedroom door wide open and starts screaming at him. She rushes over to Harry and snatches his pillow from his hand and throws it across the room.

"Every single night Harry! Every night, I don't get any sleep because of you! What the hell is wrong with you? Why are you so goddamn emotional over nothing?!" Harry's mother continues screaming at her small child, while he buries his head into his knees while covering his ears. She's asking these things but little does she know, Harry's asking himself the same exact thing everyday.

"Mum." She's still ranting on about how he's so irritating.

"Mum." Still ranting.

"Mum!" Harry finally screams.


"Shut up! Just shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" He is screaming on the top of his lungs. Harry thinks this will maybe let some feelings out.

"Go to sleep Harry." His mom tosses his pillow back on to his bed and leaves. If only she knew. If only she knew what was happening on the inside of her son. What he has to go through, live with. If only.


crappy crappy crappy. if you guys have any ideas about what I should incorporate into this story, message me! I'm open to ideas and I'll give you full credit! also message me if there's anything in the last two chapters that you think I should change or fix up! it'll help me so much. thank you :)

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