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Harry and Evelyn get out of the car and make their way over to the park swings. The smell of tanbark and old barbecue from the grills take over the wind. It reminds Evelyn of when she was younger and would come to this very park. It doesn't remind Harry of anything because he avoided the park.

They both see Isaac and three others sitting on the swings, some on the ground. There's one girl and two boys that Evelyn have never seen before. "Hey Isaac, Hey..Isaac's friends. I'm Evelyn and this is Harry." She introduces the both of them while Harry just gives a short wave. The two boys give them a nod and the girl scoffs at Evelyn and eyes Harry. Everyone can tell she's into him already.

"Hi, I'm Isabel, you can call me Isa." Isa says to only Harry. "Nice to meet you Isa." Evelyn says, knowing she already doesn't like this girl. Isa just gives a fake smile and looks away. Evelyn mutters something to herself but only Harry could hear her. He laughs abruptly and the rest just look at him like he's crazy. Isaac breaks the silence, "Oh, this is Daniel and Mikey." He points to the two boys who look a bit older than everyone else, which only Harry seems to notice.

Harry has always been able to notice things about certain people, that others wouldn't be so aware of. It's very easy to become observant when no one is talking to you. He could probably tell if someone is hurting on the inside, if someone is in love, or if someone is just down. Yes, these are things pretty much anyone can pick up, but come on, does anyone really care? Especially if it's a stranger. Well, Harry does.

Evelyn takes off her jacket and lays it down on the ground before taking a seat on it. Harry just sits down next to her not worrying about the tanbark. "So, Harry, what's your last name?" Isa pries. "Uh, Styles." He awkwardly nods, agreeing with himself. "Styles. Never heard that one before. I like it." Everyone can just hear Evelyn rolling her eyes at this point. "Thanks." Harry smiles never hearing a compliment about his last name before. People have said it's a bit odd, or uncommon, or that they've never heard of it, but never that they actually like it. It's nice.

The whole night just proceeds with everyone talking about rumors, celebrities, school assignments, and everyone's home life. Harry skipped that last part and he's glad that no one asked him. Other than Harry being nervous someone would ask him, he had a good time. He hasn't a had good time in a long time. Harry really thinks that his life could change for the better. He thinks that maybe he'll actually be happy again. Maybe.


after that everyone just goes home if you were confused but I felt like there's no point in putting that in there.

I don't want to make this book hella cliché but I feel like that's exactly what's happening. but I also feel like depression shouldn't be considered 'cliché', but it is used a lot in fanfiction. BUT DONT WORRY!! the book is going to get VERY different. you just have to be patient ok? ly 💓

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