twenty three.

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"Wait. I think I know who you saw."

"Who? Who did I see?" Evelyn asks, now being the one who's confused. Harry walks closer to her looking flustered.

"My uncle. He and my dad were twins. That's gotta be it. But he moved away, what could he possibly want over here? What is he up to?" Harry mutters that last part to himself as he begins acting nervous and thrown off. "Wait where did you see him again?"

"Uhm...I think near the shopping center on Central. I'm not exactly sure though. But, is this a good or a bad thing Harry?" Evelyn asks as she notices Harry's sudden change in behavior.

"I have no idea."


The next day, Harry debates if he should tell his mom or not. He doesn't want any more stress put on her but he also wants to warn her in a way. He doesn't know what he should do. He's thinking about just handling it himself, since for all he knows Evelyn could've been wrong. He doesn't want to jump to conclusions.

For a few days, he decides to avoid the situation altogether. Harry goes on with his everyday life, exhausted, not giving a care in the world, etc etc. Maybe ignoring his uncle's recent appearance was a bad thing, for something also unexpected happens. 

As Harry's out and about in town, he decides to go to the park just to sit down. It may seem childish but it's a nice place to just sit back and relax a bit. He's soaking in the rays of the sun and letting the wind mess up his perfectly sloppy hair. Harry felt a cliche coming on as soon as he saw his father's face walking towards him. Harry immediately stands up from his seat and takes a few steps back. "It's alright, I don't bite." His uncle says through a slight chuckle. "Oh, did you finally quit that hobby?" Harry replies to his uncle with a snarky attitude. "Ay, don't be that way. Come on Harry, aren't you glad to see your ol' Uncle Harrison. I mean, after all, we're a lot alike. Your parents even named you after me." His uncle comes closer and eventually pulls Harry into a tight hug, with Harry being resistant of course. "Yeah, you're right, they did. But that was before you turned into a complete jackass of a person. I want nothing to do with you and I'm sure my mum doesn't either. So, if I were you, I'd take my douchebag self and get the fuck out of town." Harry says this with rather a calm tone, only adding to the effect of his cunning attitude. "Oh but that's where you're wrong, I'm positive you're mum would love to see me right now. I bet she's just waiting for me to please her, to make her come. Just like she always has." Uncle Harrison said that last line with a smile and with that, Harry threw his arm forward, punching his uncle right in the jaw.

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