twenty nine.

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Harry looks at his phone and quickly throws it in the back seat of his car. So many missed calls and texts from his mom, all wondering where he went and if they could just talk. Harry's now driving without knowing where he's going, thinking that they've done enough talking, he just wants to get away for now. He wishes he had brought more of his clothing and other belongings, not knowing how long he's going to stay out, or if he'll even go back home.

He decides to drown his thoughts with the music that's blasting through his car, as he notices a swooshing noise that sounds like liquid moving around. Harry tears his eyes off the road and scans his surroundings looking for the cause of the noise, his eyes switching back to the road a few times. He finally catches a glimpse of a glass bottle on the floor of the passenger seat, hiding from him almost all the way under the seat. Harry reaches over and picks it up. Whiskey. He doesn't know or remember how the bottle ended up in his car, but he does recognize it. He thinks maybe Isa left it in the car when he gave her that ride home. Now that Isa is in his mind, he remembers that the party he was invited to was going on tonight. The perfect distraction.

Harry pulls over to the side of the road and reaches into the back seat to search for his phone. After blindly moving his hand around, hoping that he'll stumble upon it, he finally does. He looks at the screen and beneath all the missed calls from his mom, he finds a few calls and texts from Isa. Without reading her texts, Harry presses on the missed call from her and the phone begins to dial her number. After a few rings, she answers.

"Yo, where are you?" She slurs then laughs at something that someone yelled at her in the background.

"How long has the party been going on?" 

"Like an hour or so. It's just getting started!" She shouts that last part, causing Harry to immediately turn down the volume on his phone. 

"Where is it at again? The beach?" Harry takes a look at the whiskey bottle in his hand and puts in the compartment on the passenger side.

"Yessiree, the one nearwhereyouliveIthinksoyeahbuddy." She says half of her sentence all jumbled up, but fortunately, Harry speaks the language of the drunk and completely understood her. 

"I'm on my way," Harry says in a stern manner, as usual.

"Yay! I can't wai-" Harry hangs up on Isa, not really caring about what mumbo jumbo she was going to go on about. He just wants to get to the party as fast as he can. 

Harry pulls up to the sidewalk next to the beach and parks his car there. He takes out his phone and texts Isa asking for her location, it's a big beach. After waiting a couple of minutes for her to respond, she finally does and with that, Harry exits his car. He decides to bring the mystery whiskey along with him, planning to share as little as possible since Isa promised that Harry would get his own fun out of the party.

Once Harry finds the bonfire, using the smell and sight of the fire in the distance as his guide, he immediately spots Isa. She's dancing in a weird and slightly uncomfortable way, at least not sexually like last time though. Harry walks over to her, grabbing her hand from behind and pulls her into him. He whispers in her ear, "May I have this dance?" He throws the whiskey bottle into the sand and realizes not long after, it has already been claimed by a guy in basketball shorts and a white tee. Isa looks up at Harry, just now noticing it was him and smiles. "Hey, you're here!" She immediately turns around to announce it to the rest of the party, "Everyone! Harry's finallyhereyouguysharry!" Isa used her jumbled language again. This time Harry just starts laughing at her incoherence. She takes Harry's hands and uses them to twirl herself around before she feels another set of hands grab her waist. The girl whispers in her ear and tells her something that made her, willingly, leave the girl with Harry.

Harry looks at the girl and his eyes go wide.


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