Corrupt Me - 18

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I blinked once, twice, as my numb brain tried to process what Micah had just said to me.
"I-I want you to k-kiss me again?" Micah repeated. He had said what I heard. Oh my God. "Please come down."

It was easier said than done. I was pretty drunk. I didn't even know how I got on the other side of the railing in the first place. I just kind of found myself there.

I paused for a second, trying to figure out how to get down.
"Left foot on the bottom rail and hold on to the top with both hands, Angel," Drew's voice sounded out of the darkness. "Then swing your right leg over."

I did as I was instructed and when my right leg was over the rail, a strong pair of arms grabbed me around the waist and helped me scramble over the rest of the way.

My heart was pounding and I slumped over, breathing heavily, as the adrenaline rush of being in (what I thought was) a dangerous situation left me.

After a few minutes of me trying to gain control of myself, I felt a cold but soft hand on my arm. I looked up. Micah's hair was soaking wet and sticking to his forehead and cheeks. His eyes showed concern, but they sparkled when street light above us caught them. Water was running down his face and he was shivering and extremely pale but to me, he was the most beautiful person on the planet just then.

I put my hand under his chin and tilted his head up slightly, while with the other hand, I unstuck and moved his drenched fringe away from his cheek.

I allowed myself to look into his beautiful blue eyes for a few moments, until I couldn't take much more, and then I gently placed my lips on his.

A kiss that began soft, slow and somewhat numb due to the cold and the rain soon turned heated as I let go of his chin to move my hands to his waist to pull him closer and he moved his hand from my arm to my neck to deepen the kiss.

I don't know how long the kiss lasted but I do know that I enjoyed every second of it, and I also know that I wanted to kill the person who interrupted us with a loud "HEY!" I vaguely remembered that Drew had said he'll be back later and I knew he wouldn't have interrupted anyway so I was pissed off at this unknown person.

I reluctantly pulled away from Micah simply to tell whoever they were to go and fuck themselves and then return to Micah's perfect and now warm lips, but when he glanced at the person as well, he let out a gasp.
"Micah?" the girl said incredulously.
"Hi..." he replied, looking down at the ground with his cheeks going red despite the cold.
"The fuck?"
"Sorry, but who are you?" I butted in.
"I'm Elise; his sister. Nice to meet you. Baby brother, what the hell?" she replied, without looking at me. She seemed to only have eyes for Micah at that stage, but he didn't return her stare.
"" was all that Micah could get out.
"Hey, Mics, it's fine. I don't mind, I'm just confused. Since when are you into guys?" Elise said more gently.
Micah looked up at his sister. "I don't...I don't know. I... It's just Angel. I don't know..."

He looked so helpless as he spoke and I felt terrible for him. I mean, he wasn't even sure of what he was feeling in the first place. I sure know how that is.

"Come here," Elise said, opening up her arms and allowing her brother to fall into them. She began whispering things in his ear that I couldn't hear but I assume whatever it was was comforting because when she let him go, he looked much calmer.
"This is Angel, Elle," he said to her, stepping back to stand at my side. "I like him."
"That's fine, Mics," she replied with a smile, and he smiled too, glancing up at me, his eyes shining with content. I figured that was a good sign, and I took his hand.

The three of us stood in silence for a little while until we heard someone running up behind us and Micah and I turned around, still hand in hand.

"Hey, heyyy!" Drew's voice rang out as his figure came closer. "How was the little make out se...shit," he cut himself off when he spotted Elise.
"It's okay," Micah said with a giggle, "This is my sister Elise."
She glanced up at the sound of her name and looked at Drew, who was already staring at her.

"Hel-lo," my best friend replied, somewhat in awe. Oh God. Not again.

"Dude, cut it out," I said to him.
He looked shocked. "What? She's hot, man!"
Elise smiled at him, now aware of what he was staring at before.

"Oh my gosh! She's my sister! And she's older than you!" Micah jumped in, after finally working out what was going on.
"If she's under 25, she's not too old for me though. I'm Drew," he said to Elise with a wink. Oh my God. He is so embarrassing.

I rolled my eyes. My best friend is such a slut.

Micah was still looking between Drew and Elise with a look that resembled confused horror on his face.
"It's okay, baby," I said to him, taking his attention away from the flirting pair and bringing it to myself.
He nodded, and then shivered, before snuggling into my chest for warmth. "It's so cold, Angel." I pulled him closer.
"I know," I mumbled into his hair, before kissing it. "We can go soon."
"What time is it?"
"Late." I checked my phone. "Shit. It's 1:45."
"What?!" Micah yelped and jumped away from me. "Elise, it's 1:45!"
His sister removed her mouth from my best friend's. When did they start kissing each other? "Seriously? Wow. Time flies when you're having fun," she said with a smirk.
"Fucking hell," I muttered.
"We've got to get home! What if Mom and Dad check on us?"
"They won't. Relax, bro."
"Elise!" Micah whined.
"Okay, okay! We'll leave then." She turned back to Drew for a non-verbal goodbye and Micah turned to me.
"Will I see you at school tomorrow?"
"Of course. Even if I'm hung over. Just for you," I told him, making him smile and blush. "God, you're too cute."

Micah went even brighter red, but stepped towards me and tilted his chin a little, asking for a kiss.

I gave him a soft and gentle one which lasted for a few seconds, and then pulled away slowly.
"I like kissing you," Micah said breathily.
"I like kissing you, too," I replied, with my heart fluttering like mad. How is a boy like this even real? He's just too perfect.

"Micah, come on," Elise called.
"Okay!" he said, and then looked at me again. "See you tomorrow, Angel."

As I watched Micah run towards the car, Drew came over to me.
"Dude," he said. "You're hooked bad."
"I know," I replied. "I know."


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