Corrupt Me - 33

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I woke up on Saturday morning after the party with a killer headache and a churning stomach. It took me a few moments of stillness after I awoke to recall everything that had happened the night before, and when I did, I couldn't stop the smile that spread itself across my face. Well, that was until I attempted to sit up in bed, making my stomach lurch and everything that I had consumed the night before came rushing up into my mouth. I frantically covered my mouth with my hand and bolted to the bathroom, praying that there was nobody in there. Thankfully my prayers were answered and I found the bathroom empty. I quickly made my way to the toilet and spent probably fifteen or so minutes emptying my guts into it. I groaned quietly as I leaned back against the walls of the built-in bathtub, letting my cheek rest against the cool tiles, having finally finished evacuating my stomach contents. My mouth felt dry and tasted disgusting but I couldn't will myself to get up and wash my mouth out with water. I'm not sure how long I stayed in my position on the floor between the bath and the toilet but it was long enough that I was about to drift off to sleep again, when someone knocked on the door.

"Yeah?" I called out with a scratchy voice.

"Micah? Is that you?" my mother's voice replied. "What's wrong?"

I scrambled to my feet and flushed the toilet. The loudness of the flush hurt my head but I tried to block it out as I looked around where I was sitting for any evidence of vomit. Being none, I moved over to the mirror to take a good look at myself for the first time that morning. My eyes were bloodshot, my hair was a mess and my skin was horribly clammy. I looked terrible, to be completely honest. I splashed some water on my face and that helped with the clamminess a little bit.

"Micah?" my mom called again. I'd forgotten to reply to her the first time.

"I'm...okay, Mom. I'll be out in a sec." I splashed my face again and then dried it off with my towel before I moved to unlock the door and face my mother. Her eyes widened when she saw my face and I hoped to God that she didn't realise why I looked so sick.

"Micah! My goodness, what's wrong with you?" she cried, placing a hand on my forehead to test my temperature.

"Mom, nothing, I'm fine. Just...ate something bad, I don't know," I mumbled as I dodged away from and avoided looking at her.

"Mi - " she began again, but I blocked her out and went out into the kitchen. There, I saw Elise, Georgia and Sara sitting at the table, a bowl of cereal in front of Sara and toast in front of the other two. They all looked up from their food when I entered the kitchen. Immediately, Elise's facial expression changed into a smirk and I sent her a glare, warning her not to say anything as I went to pull out two slices of white bread and busied myself by putting them in the toaster.

"Are you okay, Micah?" Elise asked in my ear with mock concern. She had stood up from the table and come over to me while I was preparing my breakfast.

"Fine, thanks," I muttered. I turned away from her to get the butter out of the fridge, hoping that she would drop the subject, but no such luck.

"Really? Cause it looks like you're pretty hung over to me," she whispered, having followed me over to the fridge and then back over to the counter where the toaster was sitting.

"Leave me alone, Elle," I snapped quietly as my toast popped up suddenly, startling me. Elise just laughed, whether it was from me being scared or me being hung over, I don't know. I shot her a dirty look again as I set about buttering my toast. Normally I would have added copious amounts of peanut butter, but I didn't think I would be able to stomach it, so once I was done buttering, I took a big bite out of my toast and wandered over to the table to sit down. As I did so, Georgia poured me a glass of orange juice and pushed a package of painkillers over to me. I glanced up at my middle sister gratefully and put down my toast to break out two small pills from the pack. I swallowed them down quickly with my orange juice and began eating once again. It was silent for a few minutes while I ate. Elise and Georgia were occupying themselves by staring at me and Sara was falling asleep into her bowl of cereal.

Corrupt Me || Cleave (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now