Cleave - 6

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My life became monotonous over the months I lived with my aunt and uncle. I went to school on weekdays. I came home and did the minimal amount of homework needed to pass my classes. I'd sneak out to parties with my friends on Friday and Saturday nights, get drunk and then get caught sneaking back into the house at 4am. I'd fight with my aunt about my drinking and smoking. I'd fuck Mason at the house and then fight more with my aunt about that. Same old, same old.

Sex with Mason was the only thing in my life that wasn't getting boring. We always tried to change things up in the bedroom and I think that was why I didn't really want to hook up with anyone else once Mason and I started our little thing. It was also good because in all our time together, and it was a good half a year, the 'c' word was never brought up. That's 'c' for 'commitment', not the other one. As far as I was concerned, if he wanted to go off and sleep with someone else, he was at perfect liberty to do so, and the same went for me. I only wish I'd realised sooner how differently he felt about that.

A couple of days before Valentine's day, Mason and I were at his place after school. We were in his bedroom with the door closed and I was pressed firmly up against it. My legs were wrapped around Mason's waist as he thrust hard up into me, making me groan with pleasure and slight discomfort. He hadn't prepped me or used lube so it was a little more painful than usual, but I liked it. I'd recently discovered the joys of rough sex and that was how I wanted it more than any other way. Standing up was one of my favourite positions and mixed with how rough Mason was fucking me, I was soon a moaning, sweaty mess.

Mason bit my shoulder hard as his movements started to become jerky, making me cry out in pleasure. As he licked at my wound, his hand moved from my ass where he was holding me up to take hold of my member so he could jerk me off in time with his thrusts. Profanities were spilling out of both of our mouths as the pressure continued to build up until we were both feeling the heights of our orgasms. I had made a mess over both of our torsos and accidentally smashed my head into the solid wood door as I came, bringing about a weirdly dizzying high, but I found that I enjoyed it.

A few moments later, Mason kissed me, slipping his tongue in between my lips and exploring my mouth. I responded by twisting my fingers in his hair and holding him closely to me by tightening my legs around his waist. We stayed doing this for a few minutes before Mason pulled away from my lips and started on my neck, immediately going to the spot that drives me crazy. He had me moaning in seconds, like he knew he would. I had started to grind my hips into his again and that got both of us worked up quickly. Mason was still inside of me and I could feel him hardening again. He started to slowly thrust again once he was pretty hard and I would have happily gone for round two if he hadn't opened his big mouth.

Mason's lips were still at my neck and his breath tickled the little baby hairs there as he spoke quietly to me. I didn't pay any attention to what he was saying – I was enjoying feeling everything too much – until he blurted out after a soft moan, "God, I fucking love you Micah."

I stopped moving instantly, shocked. It took Mason a few seconds to realise that I suddenly wasn't interested in sex anymore but once he did, he stopped moving as well, pulling out of me and helping me so I could unwrap my legs and get my feet on solid ground. He had an odd look on his face, like he couldn't quite believe he just said those words out loud. I just stared at him. I had just one thought going through my head. This wasn't supposed to happen. Why is this happening? This wasn't supposed to happen. Why is this happening?

"Micah?" Mason spoke. I blinked stupidly.

"Why?" I whispered back.

"What do you mean 'why'? Don't... don't you feel the same? Or – or anything for me?" Mason said with a frown. He stepped away from me so he could look me properly in the eyes, searching for an answer.

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