Corrupt Me - 30

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Monday morning couldn't come quick enough, as far as I was concerned, and it wasn't because I was excited to learn or see my friends. No, it was because it would be the first time that I could spend a full day with Micah, knowing that he was my boyfriend, even if the rest of the school's population didn't know it. I'd managed to accidentally tell Rochelle and Braden that Micah and I were together while drunk on Friday night, whining about how I missed him and wishing that his stupid mother didn't ground him on the first weekend we were a couple. It didn't take a stroke of genius for Brady and Chelle to realise I was talking about Micah, even though I didn't originally mention him by name. As I knew they would be, my friends were completely fine with me and Micah dating. The issue now is telling Micah that they know, because he said more than once that he wasn't ready for people to know about us just yet. Hopefully, since he knows that my friends were okay with me being gay beforehand, it won't be such a big deal to him that they know we're together. I do feel like I've kind of let him down though, but it's hard to control your actions when you're drunk. I just hope he forgives me for letting it slip.

Anyway, I really wanted to get to school on Monday. I was ready and waiting for Drew to come and pick me up long before he was due to arrive, and when he finally pulled up in front of my house, I was in my seat with the belt done up before he could even get a 'hello' out. The drive to school was quick, but not quick enough for my liking. I knew that Micah would already be there since his bus gets in about five minutes before Drew and I arrive. I'm just glad that on this day, Braden and Rochelle decided to take themselves to school, because that would have meant that Drew would have picked me up even later than he did.

Micah was waiting out the front of the school when Drew and I pulled up, looking sexy as ever. He was wearing those damn skinny jeans that he knows I love and a fairly tight looking red t-shirt. His hair was messier than usual, but I enjoyed it immensely. It was like he had just rolled out of bed and not bothered to do anything to fix his bed hair. Surprisingly, Micah was standing there alone. Maybe he finally told Isabelle to fuck off. I could only hope.

I made Drew let me out of the truck before he went off to park. I just couldn't wait any longer to speak to my boyfriend.

When he saw me get out of the car, his lips turned up in a smile. I almost jogged over to him, way too excited to control myself.

"Hey, baby," I said, as I arrived in front of him. He blushed.

"Hi," he replied quietly and looked down, smiling slightly. He seemed to be remembering something that I had no knowledge of.

"So... How was your weekend?" I asked after a few moments.

" was okay...I guess, um... how was yours?" Okay, something was definitely up with him, but it didn't seem like it was something bad. He looked embarrassed, which is weird.

I frowned, and grabbed his forearm gently, tugging him along into the school. He tried to protest, but I ignored it. I wanted to know what the hell was going on in his head.

I took him into our empty classroom, our own private paradise and closed the door. I turned to face him.

"What's going on with you?"

He blushed bright red again and avoided my gaze.


"I... I can't tell you," he said in a whisper.

"Why not?"

"Because it's embarrassing!"

"Baby... please tell me?"

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