Corrupt Me - 19

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As Elise and I ran to her car in the pouring rain, I couldn't help but wish I had stayed out by the bridge with Angel and Drew. Well, maybe without Drew, but definitely with Angel. I think I enjoyed that kiss too much to claim that it was just an excuse to get Angel to come down. I also think that I enjoy being around Angel too much to claim that he drives me crazy with his constant presence anymore. Oh God.

I slumped down in my seat as soon as I got in the car, and let out a huge sigh. Elise got in a few seconds later and started driving straight away. I stared at the wipers working their way non-stop back and forth across the windscreen, just thinking about what had just happened. Elise gave me a few minutes to think to myself before she glanced over at me.

"Well. Well, well..." she said with a smirk.
"Shut up," I muttered, feeling my cheeks turn red.
"I'm just teasing, but I do have to ask you think you're gay?"
I sighed. "Good question. I don't know."
"Well, you don't have to know straight away. Take your time to figure it out. It looked like you and Angel had some pretty good chemistry though. I saw you talking and cuddling."
"You did? You were making out with Drew, though."
"I'm a woman, I can do two things at once," my sister replied with a laugh.
"Uh-huh..." I mumbled, and then turned to stare out my window.
Elise and I were silent for the rest of the trip home. That changed when we pulled into our street and noticed that a house had its lights on, whereas when we left, the whole street was dark.
"Shi-ugar," I whispered under my breath, as I noticed it was our house that was all lit up. That's it. We're done for, I thought, and began panicking.

My parents were both standing out on our front porch, wearing bathrobes, slippers and expressions of disappointment and anger.
"What are we going to do?" I asked my sister, who looked as calm as ever.
"Stress less, Mics. We'll probably get grounded for a bit and then we'll be off the hook. No big deal."
"Yeah, for you, maybe. You do this all the time. I don't."
"You'll be fine," she said as she turned off the car.
Very slowly, I took off my seatbelt, and opened the door to exit the car.
"Where on EARTH have you BEEN?!" my mother shouted, as I stepped out onto the driveway. "You are SOAKED and it is 2 O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING. Get inside the house NOW, the pair of you!"

I almost ran into the house in fear, while Elise sauntered in after me. Dad told us not to sit on the couch cause we'd get all the upholstery wet, so instead we grabbed a chair from the dining room each and sat on those. It must have appeared to be a hostage situation for anyone looking in because there were Elise and I on chairs next to each other and our parents were standing in front of us looking menacing. I was legitimately terrified.

"WELL?!" my mother started, bearing down on Elise and I.
"Micah got a phone call that one of his friends was in danger so we had to go and see if we could help," my sister replied.
"What friend?"
"A-A friend from school."
"Have I met them?"
"N-no. I'm doing a science project with him. We work at his house and at the library."
"Why was he in danger?"
"He was upset about something and uh..." I didn't really want to tell my parents that Angel was drunk and tried to jump off a bridge. They'd never let me see him again, and I couldn't have that. I thought for a second about how to finish my sentence.
"He wanted to hurt himself," Elise jumped in, saving the day. "But we stopped him."
I nodded and hung my head.

My parents considered this for a minute, before my father spoke up.
"That's still no excuse for you to sneak out in the middle of the night without telling anyone. You could have been anywhere, with anyone, doing anything. If your friend really needed your help, you should have come and woken me and I would have taken you to him. There was no need to sneak out."

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