Corrupt Me - 27

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I guess I knew how Angel felt about me. It isn't hard to see, really. And I guess I expected the time to come eventually when he would ask me "out". Ask me to date him. To be his boyfriend. Whatever it's called. I just wasn't expecting it to come so soon after I broke up with Isabelle. I thought he would have waited a little while, keep things going along how they were with no strings attached, so to speak. He knows how difficult this whole "sexually confused" thing is for me, so it shocked me when we were just messing around, having a good time, when suddenly he blurted out of nowhere that he wanted me to be his boyfriend. He apologised after a few seconds of confused silence on my part, saying that it wasn't meant to come out like that, or at all, but I could see the pleading and pain in his eyes as he spoke his apology. I knew he meant what he said. I know how much he likes me. Loves me, even. It's not difficult to see. A blind man could see it. And I like him too. A lot. Against all odds, I've fallen for him too. Which is why, against everything I've grown up knowing, and perhaps against my better judgement, I placed a finger over his lips to quiet him, and answered with a simple "okay".

And he'd stared at me, like he was properly seeing me for the first time. The cogs in his head seemed to be turning as he thought over my simple word. It took a few long moments for him to be able to speak again.
" Are you fucking with me again?" he demanded. I almost laughed, because what could have been a beautiful moment was ruined in an instant.

I took a moment to compose myself, and replied, "No, I'm not. This...this thing...we have going on. It's special. And terrifying, and I've never done anything this scary in my life. I've never taken risks, never really gone out of my comfort zone. Never done something just for me because it makes me happy. But terrifying as it is, I want to try it. But I'm not ready for people to know yet."

The smile on his face. It was the brightest I had ever seen in my entire life. I knew he wanted to kiss me from the way his eyes glanced down to my lips, but he knew from what I just said that I was not ready for kissing in public just yet. So he hugged me instead. A quick and simple hug, anyone would have thought it was just a hug between friends. But the whisper in my ear as he hugged me was definitely not just friendly; "I love you, thank you."

He smiled again as he pulled away, and said, as if the whole exchange about becoming boyfriends never happened, "Are we going to get these amazing milkshakes or not?"
I just nodded, way too lost in my thoughts to be able to form words. We went inside the coffee shop and headed to a table, with me still in a daze. I managed to get out the words "strawberry, please" when he asked what flavour I wanted and I sat myself down while he went to get the shakes. I rubbed my temples with my fingertips, trying to comprehend the fact that I have a boyfriend. I have a boyfriend. I, Micah, has a freaking boyfriend. What the hell? How did this happ-

"Are you okay?" Angel's voice interrupted my internal monologue. He had returned with two enormous milkshakes, topped with ice cream and chocolate flakes. He set the pink one down in front of me while the pale yellow one stayed with him.

I didn't really want to tell him what was going through my head so I decided to change the subject before the subject was even broached. When he sat down, I eyed his milkshake.
"What flavour is that?"
"Banana." I wrinkled my nose up. "Excuse me, what the fuck is wrong with banana?"
"Yuck," I replied, sticking my tongue out for effect.
"I could say the same thing about strawberry," he shot back.
"No way, strawberry is the best!"
"Ew, yuck, strawberry, gross!" he said, quite loudly, I might add. Several people turned to look at us.
I laughed, "Shut up, you're disturbing the other customers!"
"So?" he replied, also laughing. "They need some entertainment in their miserable little lives."
I shrugged, and took a sip of my drink. He did the same with his.
"Mmm, banana milkshake," he said after he finished, messing around with me some more. I just snorted, and he grinned. "You know it's better than strawberry. You know you want some. Go on, baby, try some yummy banana milkshake."

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