Cleave - 14

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A week before my 18th birthday, I couldn't help but feel excited. I was finally going to be an adult. I was finally going to be able to make my own decisions and I was finally going to be able to do whatever the hell I wanted with my life, not that I really knew what I wanted to do with it yet. All I knew was that I wanted to move out into my own place as soon as possible to get away from my controlling mother and I couldn't wait to start looking for places. But before that, I had to find a job to be able to pay for rent and bills and all that other fun stuff that comes with living in your own place. Dad told me that he would help me out when I needed it but I didn't want him to pay for everything, which was why I was wandering around the new mall that had been in the process of being built for a long time but had been finished while I was away, looking for where the supermarket was that I had applied for a job online for a couple of weeks ago. I had been emailed a couple of days before, asking me to come in for an interview. I was kind of nervous. I'd never gone for a job interview before and I didn't know what to expect. Not being able to find the place wasn't helping with my nerves, either.

I spent so long searching for the supermarket (luckily I had given myself ages to find it, otherwise I would have been late to the interview) that eventually I had to grow some balls and actually ask someone where it was. The short, middle aged woman that I had asked smiled up at me and gave me directions, which I followed as accurately as I could, and I finally found the place.

Breathing a sigh of relief, I walked briskly into the store and headed directly to the front counter. Even though I was pissing myself with nerves, I knew I had to act confident.

The young woman at the counter was serving a customer when I got there, so I had to wait for a moment before I could introduce myself and find out where I was meant to be going.

After waiting for the old man to put his money back in his wallet and shuffle out of the way, I stepped up and smiled at the girl.

"Hi, I'm Micah. I was asked to come in for an interview," I said confidently. The girl smacked the gum she was chewing.

"Uh-huh. Yeah, hold on a sec. I'll call the manager," she said before turning away from me and picking up the store phone. A minute later she was off the phone and turning back to me. "It's up the back. Just go all the way down the aisle and someone will meet you."

"Thank you," I said, and did as she said, coming to meet with a tall man about 25 years old with a black moustache and a bald head.

"Are you Micah?" the guy asked.

"Yes, I am," I told him, holding my hand out for him to shake.

The guy nodded once, before he took my hand and shook. "I'm Trevor, come on through," he said, gesturing towards the 'Staff Only' door. I followed him through until we got to a small office, where he took a seat behind the desk while allowing me to take the other chair. Then, the interview started and he asked me a lot of questions and I did the best that I could to answer them to put me in the best light possible.

The interview lasted about half an hour and when I was finally dismissed, I was quietly confident that I had just got a job, but of course I wouldn't know that until I got a phone call "in a few days". I shook Trevor's hand again as I left, which seemed to sit well with him.

Once I left the supermarket, I pulled out my phone (that had it's data wiped clean and had a new SIM in it so I didn't have any of my old stuff on it) to check the time. There was still a little over an hour left until the shops closed in the mall, so I decided to have a look around, seeing as I hadn't been there before.

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