Cleave - 18

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"What do you think of this one, MJ?" my dad asked me as we wandered through the third apartment of the day. It was pretty bland – your typical one-person apartment. It had one bedroom, a living space that could fit in a television and a couch, small kitchen and bathroom and a communal laundry downstairs. The only difference between this one and the last one was that this had dark polished floorboards throughout the house (except the bathroom where it was tiled with an ugly brown tile) whereas the other had carpet in the living and bedroom, linoleum for the kitchen and big white tiles for the bathroom.

I shrugged in reply to my father. "It's alright, but I think I liked the one before better."

Angel squeezed my hand. "Babe, the carpet in that one was stained so much I don't even know what colour it's meant to be."

"Yeah but at least it was light," I argued. "This is too dark, like I'd be living in a cave or something. I'd have enormous electrical bills cause I'd need about fifty lamps."

"Okay, okay, fair enough," Angel sighed. I think he was getting a bit sick of walking through apartments. We had been going apartment hunting for the past two Saturdays and I still hadn't found one I liked. Drew had offered for me to move into his house with him and Angel, which I think Angel would have preferred, but I wanted my own place, at least for a little while, so I could learn to be self-sufficient.

"Well we still have one more to look at today. Maybe this next one will be the one," Dad said enthusiastically.

"Fingers crossed," Angel muttered. I shot him a warning look and pulled him out of the apartment, heading to the car while Dad locked up and put the key in the letterbox. Angel and I got in the back of the car once Dad unlocked it, and almost immediately my boyfriend rested his head on my shoulder.

Dad drove for about ten minutes until we pulled up outside of a block of apartments that had lush trees growing outside. The outside of the actual building was a bit shabby – the light grey paint was coming off and the pipe work was rusty, but the atmosphere was peaceful. I had a good feeling about this place even before stepping into the apartment that was for rent.

The three of us walked up two flights of stairs to get to the level that the apartment was on. The building looked like it didn't have an elevator, which would make getting large furniture and things up there a bit difficult, but the stairwell was wide, as was the balcony that we walked along to reach the apartment door, so hopefully we would be able to use that to our advantage. The door of the apartment was a faded red, with bronze numbers declaring it to be 2-06.

Dad bent down and pulled a key out from under the rug, and stood up to unlock the door.

We were greeted by a room with light-coloured painted walls and a large window almost directly opposite the front door, which let in a lot of light. After stepping into the place, looking to my left, I saw the kitchen, which had wooden floorboards. The cabinets were also wooden and they had faux-marble countertops, which I thought made the kitchen look quite classy. There was a basic oven and cooktop and space for a good sized refrigerator, plus a sink and what looked like plenty of storage for food and plates and stuff. There was also a breakfast bar which had two chairs, meaning that I wouldn't need to buy a dining table like I would have for any of the other places we had looked at.

The breakfast bar created a sort of barrier between the kitchen and the living room, which was carpeted in a light beige carpet that looked really soft to walk on barefoot, and there looked to be plenty of room for a couch, maybe a couple of chairs, and a decent sized television which would go against the part wall that separated the bedroom area from the rest of the place.

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