Corrupt Me - 37

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When I awoke, it was in a vaguely familiar room. My head was pounding but I could hardly feel it. After a few seconds of disorientation, memories of the night before came trickling back to me and I felt on top of the world. I could hear the steady breathing of the boy next to me; the boy I loved. It took me a little while, due to the fact that I had had a lot to drink the night before and I was still very hazy, but I slowly began to remember his touch and the words he whispered to me, the feeling of him moving inside of me, and the animalistic noises he made.

There were still some hazy parts, it's true, and that scared me. For example, for the life of me, I couldn't remember whose idea it was to return to the hotel room to have sex. I couldn't remember where the bottle of lubricant that was sitting on the bedside table came from, either, because I certainly didn't pack it. The empty foil package of a condom was sitting next to it. That was yet another thing that was hazy. I couldn't remember whether we used protection or not. Seeing the wrapper made me feel slightly better.

One thing I didn't need a reminder of was which role I played in the sex, because there was a dull ache in my lower back, but that was thankfully one thing my overly intoxicated mind allowed me to remember from the night before. I couldn't help the smile that made its way onto my face. God last night was amazing. I shuffled closer to my boyfriend in the bed so that my back was pressed up into his chest. I didn't mean for it to happen, but that small movement caused Angel to begin to stir and he rolled over so that he was lying on his back. Unfazed, I rolled over too; I wanted to see the very first look on his face as he woke up and memories of the night before came flooding back the way they did for me when I first woke up.

It barely registered in my head that we were both drunk out of our minds, I forgot that people can react to the effects of alcohol differently, and it certainly didn't occur to me that, when he woke up, Angel wouldn't even fucking remember any of it.


I watched Angel for a minute or two, waiting for him to wake up and open his eyes. It was a slow process. When his eyelashes fluttered open, I studied his face as his eyes gazed around what he could see of the hotel room we stayed in while not moving his head. When his eyes finally met mine, I gave him a big smile.

"Good morning!" I said cheerfully, despite my tiredness and hangover. I was disappointed to receive only a groan in return. I shifted closer to him to kiss him, making sure to press my naked body into his as I did so. His arm wound its way around my waist and his hand grazed over my bare butt under the sheets. It felt really good.

"Mm. Mornin' baby," he said, slurring slightly. Was he still drunk? "You have a good night?"

I nodded enthusiastically. His hand ran up and down my back, stopping again once it reached my butt.

"Wait... Did we have sex?"

"Yes," I replied, smiling.

"Was it good? Did you like it?"

"Excuse me?" I asked, slightly confused at his question. He should know it was good.

"Was it good?" he repeated. "I was so fucked last night."

"You... Don't remember?"

"Not really."

"Not... Not really?!" my voice had suddenly become much louder. "You took my virginity last night and you 'don't really' remember?"

"Hey, whoa, calm down baby. Next time will be better. We'll..."

"Next time?!" I screeched, moving out of the bed and standing facing him. I didn't even care that I was totally naked in front of him. I was so angry and upset that I could've been wearing a clown suit and it wouldn't have made a difference. "What the fuck makes you think there will be a next time? I am in pain! I lost my fucking virginity to you! I told you I loved you! And you remember none of it? There's no fucking way there's going to be a next time!"

Corrupt Me || Cleave (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now