C7. Suspicious Kuroko

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"Kuroko is acting weird.. since that match." You said as you dangled your feet, sitting on a swing. It was still afternoon and yet the park was quiet. There was only you and Riko, she was sitting next to you and was in her own thought. As though she was never there to listen, you poked her shoulder and she stifled a response. "Riko, have you been listening?"

"W-what? What was it about again?"

"It's Kuroko, he's getting weirder ever since that day."

"Hmm.. Maybe he's tired?" She simply answered, lazy to even talk about it. "Something is off." You said ignoring her. Riko stood up, she tucked her phone and dialled a number. You weren't even having a slightest bit interest on whoever she was calling, you kept on dwelling with Kuroko's current behaviour.

He was different. He started to talk more to you, yes. But that's not it. He would sometimes pat your head, invited you to a lunch, which he never done before. You noticed just recently that Kuroko is someone who have less presence than other people. People barely see or know that he's there. Then why can you?

"(Y/N), we're having a summer vacation." Riko beamed, eyes sparkling. And you could notice the dark aura on her. You sweatdropped. "The basketball team is going on a harsh training!"

You knew she wouldn't just let the boys have their free times.



You turned to the source and raised your eyebrows as soon as you saw his face. "Kagami?"

Kagami smiled and walked up to you. "What are you doing?" He asked. You were just doodling something on your notebook. Deciding not to tell him the unnecessary, you closed the book and shoved it in your bag. "Nothing really." You said, bored to death.

Kagami ruffled your hair and grinned. "Wanna join me?"

"Doing what?"

"How about a one on one?"

"You'll definitely win." You scoffed. Kagami chuckled, he really likes your statement. "How?" He asked.

"You don't have to know to be sure." You smiled as Kagami had a tint of pink on his cheek. He grinned toothily, and ruffled your hair once more. You didn't mind. In the past weeks, Kagami had become closer to you. He was nice so you never did mind him doing that.

Your eyes was searching for Kuroko, the invincible man. But you never felt worried for such things since you can see him clearly, you can notice him like he was transparent. You don't know him so long but you felt like you did. And it seemed like he was with the boys.

Everyone was having a lecture from Riko, they'd to listen to her strategic training camp. Some were determined and some wanted to spent their holidays at home. Which of course, was unavailable to do that since Riko was in charge.

Summer was near, you decided to join the team. Your club had given you the permission, they didn't actually have something important to be attend on holidays. And actually, you had a bit interest in basketball. Seeing how your crush loves it so much, you wanted to know. What made him so attached to it.

After the meeting ended, you found Kuroko calling your name and walking up to you with a smile on his face. "(Y/N)-senpai."

You returned his smile with a little bit red on your cheeks. "Hi." You need to act a little mature in front of your junior. You started to think like that since that day. Now that you mind, acting beautiful and cool in front of Kuroko might have him take interest in you. "What is it Kuroko?"

"Senpai, i'm glad that you are joining our vacation." He said. "I'm glad that you are going to be there." Muttered the blue head, thinking that maybe you wouldn't hear that. But there you were, sweatdropping and heart beating fast. Oh you definitely hear that. Was there any meaning behind those words?

You decided to ask him, it was to confirm and not getting into conclusions. It might result your relationship. "W-what do you mean by that?"

Then it happened so fast, his lips was brought to your forehead. He gave a little kiss. Your face was as red as a tomato, still oblivious to this weird behaviour of him. You froze. "See you later, senpai." He bid you goodbye with his emotionless face.

You were still in a shock state. Thank goodness nobody was there when he did that. Just what actually was Kuroko scheming?! You touched at where he just kiss earlier. "I'm going to faint."

But then you heard footsteps and thumping getting farther. Did someone just saw that? Looking back, you didn't see anyone nor hear any footsteps so you continue to walk home.

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