Chapter 4

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I opened the front doors and looked around to see if the coast was clear. Once I knew it was safe I headed down the hall and went straight to my locker and checked the time and figured I was supposed to be in was science which was right before lunch. I grabbed my books and ran to class. The door was in the back of the class so I opened it as quietly as I could and sat in an open seat in the back. The teacher turned around and looked shocked.

"Poppy, were you here the whole time?"

"Yes, I can just blend in really well. Sometimes people don't even know I'm there." I said back.

"Right…anyways, can you answer the question on the board?" Which was on water.

"Water is a universal solvent because it can dissolve polar substances." I replied.

"Correct. Now, since you got the question correct I'll excuse your tardiness." The teacher said going back to teaching the class.

            I looked over at Jamie and he smiled. It was nice to have the old Jamie back. I took notes furiously since I had missed part of yesterday. I did not want to fall behind. The bell rang and Jamie practically jumped out of his seat and came over.

"Hey, sorry about the past two days…"

"Jamie, I knew my brother said something to you. I didn’t know what but now that I know I am furious that he would do that to you! You! Out of all people! It's shocking; I would never have expected him to act that way."

"Yeah, I didn’t know what I did and he didn’t explain…I am just glad that you don't hate me."

"Jamie I could never hate you!" I said hugging him.

"I am hungry, let's go get some lunch."

            Jamie was back by my side, walking me to my locker and to my classes. I felt so much better. It was different though. I now know what I felt like without Jamie around, and now that we were back together I wanted it to be the same but it was different.

"Are you okay?" Jamie asked.

"Yeah…it's just different…"

"What is?"



"Yeah, like you and me. I feel weird."

"Why? Did I do anything?"

"No, it's just…look, never ever leave me again like that. It felt weird…empty. I felt empty."

"I am here and I am not going anywhere. I will walk you to every class and be by your side always." Jamie said smiling.

"Thanks." Jamie smiled.

"Jamie can I ask you something?"

"Sure, anything."

"What was the secret that you didn’t want me to know?" Jamie froze.

"Poppy, it was nothing. It is nothing. It…was about my family. It's one of those family secrets that go down from generation to generation." Jamie explained.

"Oh…" I said not sure I believed him.

"I was freaked because no one outside immediate family should know, and if he knew I would get in real trouble with the family."

"Oh, okay. Wanna hang at my place after school?"

"Don't I always?" Jamie replied.

            Once at home mom was thrilled to see Jamie but she looked mad at me.

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