Chapter 1

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"Hey, Connor have you seen Jamie? Is he here yet?" I asked.

"Um…sorry Poppy but I haven’t seen him, but he should be here soon since I have to leave soon." Conner said.

"Yeah, maybe I should call him…" I said thinking about that.

"Poppy, he will be here. He has never bailed, and he isn’t going to start now." Conner said.

            Conner was going back to college since thanksgiving break was over. Jamie said he would be here to say goodbye, and Connor wanted to talk to him anyways. Jamie had blonde hair that was wavy, and had brown eyes. Connor had short blonde hair with blue eyes. They were the same in height, but Connor was stronger than Jamie. I also had blonde hair and blue eyes and I was shorter than both of them. I went upstairs to my room and paced. Connor waited down stairs in the kitchen. Where was Jamie? He was Never late. I looked out the window and saw him strolling up the walkway. I ran down the stairs and opened the door and jumped in his arms.

"Hey, sorry I was late." Jamie said, letting me down, smiling.

"I was worried. You've never been late." I said.

"I know. I am sorry, Connor is still here right?"

"Yeah, he's inside." I said.

            Jamie walked in, me following him. Connor's face lit up when he saw Jamie. I called up to mom and dad to let them know Connor was leaving soon. I walked back into the kitchen and Connor told me to leave. I looked at Jamie and he nodded. I went to my room wondering what Connor wanted with Jamie? Jamie probably wouldn’t tell me, Connor would make sure of that. Sometimes I didn’t understand my brother at all. I heard Connor calling to me. I went down the stairs as quietly as possible and listened to see if I could catch the last of their conversation.

"Don't tell Poppy about anything we discussed in this conversation, got it?" Connor said harshly.

"Got it. Lips are zipped."

            I walked in and Jamie looked a bit frazzled but quickly composed himself. Connor came and gave me a hug goodbye. Mom and dad were now downstairs saying their goodbyes. We walked Connor to the car and he waved goodbye as he drove off. I hated having Connor gone, I felt like part of me was missing, but Jamie seemed to fill the emptiness my brother left me with. It was around dinner time so Jamie stayed over. It was weird actually sitting together for dinner since we didn’t have dinner together often; it was nice. Jamie seemed to cover the conversation he had with me brother well. Dinner was soon over and Jamie left. I went upstairs to my room reluctantly. Maybe my family didn’t notice the weird things that happened around the house, but I did and I didn’t like it. I turned up my music as loud as possible to drown out my worries. I always did this at night or I wouldn’t be able to sleep. I grabbed a book of my shelf and was about to read it when I saw someone in the doorway. It was a boy; he looked a bit older than me and walked toward me. I thought I would be used to this kind of stuff by now, but I still was afraid. I've never run into a dangerous ghost but I knew the day would come eventually. I tensed and waited for him to speak.

"Help me." He said. That's what they always said. Was I some kind of Ghost Whisperer?

"How?" I responded, my voice faltering a bit.

"Don't be scared. Please. I need help."

"With what?"

"I need to find a living relative."

"What's your name?"

"Blake Collins."

"Who do you need to find?"

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