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A/N~ What I like to call the pre-trailer is above. Ha, I call it the pre-trailer because I forgot to put words😂 Anyways, here's chapter three! ( Btw, follow my Jack fan account @itsjackmay ;)

Chapter Three

Jack Maynard

"Why didn't I text you?" Deja rose her eyebrow, with the slightest smile. "I'm sorry, I didn't think it mattered."

I started to laugh, shaking my head, "No you don't understand, it is a big deal. You see-"

"Jack, stop," She interrupted, slapping my shoulder.

"What? I'm just kidding!" I put my hands in the air like I was being arrested.

"You're the biggest jokester I've ever met," She stated, stuffing her face with Enchilada's.

"I take that as a compliment. Mainly, because I know I am."

"Wow," She blankly stared at me, still chewing her food.

She obviously didn't realize she was staring at me, which made the situation a tiny bit awkward. Just kidding, I think it's cute.

"So, how's America?" I brought up a conversation, eating my food.

"America? Eh, it's fine," She shrugged, not showing any emotion what so ever.

"Where do you live in America?"

"Las Angeles."

"That's fascinating, I bet it's very hot there," I giggled, trying to get her to smile.

"It's a lot warmer compared to this place that's for sure!" She laughed, showing off that beautiful smile I liked so much. Finally!

"Are you moving here? You know, to England."

That's when I realized. She's American, and that means she probably won't be staying long. My chances of having her being my girlfriend will never be a possibility! Fuck my life.

"I'm staying here for two more weeks, then heading home," She sighed, looking down at her hands.

"O-Oh," I all of a sudden became really sad, but tried hiding it. "At least you're having fun."

"I would live here if I could. But that would mean I'd have to change my entire life style," She forced a smile, seeming as sad as I was.

Well, I'm not exactly sad. I'm just disappointed that she's leaving in two weeks. I'll most likely never see her again, which means I can't get too attached to her.

"Don't let me get too used to having you around," I cackled, reaching over the table to poke her nose. Why the hell do I do things like this? This is another reason why I don't have a girlfriend.

"If you do, that's not my fault," She smirked, assuring me to basically not 'like' her, "I guess if that ends up happening you'll have to forget me."

I shook my head, "I can never forget you. You're just- one of those people."

I looked down at my hands, thinking really hard about what I had said.

"I'm one of those people?" She cocked her head, interested in what I was thinking.

"Y-You're just-" I looked up at her, seriously, "Special."

"Hold on Jack, you just met me!" She rose her voice, widening her eyes, "You can't say I'm special when you don't know me."

"H-Hmm, that was supposed to be a compliment," I squinted, laughing a little, "But I guess you took it the wrong way."

"Thank you, but that's seems wrong!" She cringed, causing me to die inside, "You like me don't you?"

"Um, I never said that," I said, slightly offended.

"You can't like me Jack, I'm serious!"

"I call my friends special all the time, why can't I call you special?" I scratched the back of my head, beyond confused at this point.

"When you put it that way it doesn't sound as bad," She shrugged, "I'm sorry for freaking out like that, I just- get weird sometimes."

"Hey, doesn't everyone?" I snickered, sarcastically rolling my eyes, "We're friends, that means I have the right to be mean to you."

Referring to her as a friend was one of the hardest things I've had to do in a long time. It makes me want to cringe just thinking about it.

"Ha, I'd like to see you try!" She glared, sneaking a laugh.

"You fatty," I mumbled, eating the last part of my meal.

"What did you just call me?" Her jaw dropped, causing me to chuckle.

"Want me to spell it out for you? F-A-T-T-Y," I said slowly, and clearly, "Did you understand that? Or do I need to repeat myself?"

"You asshole!" She gasped hitting me with her hand bag.

"Holly shit, Deja! I'm sorry," I screeched, jumping out of the chair and almost running out of the building. "I'm not saying you're actually fat."

"Still! You don't say stuff like that," She folded her arms, trying to hold back a grin.

"Hey, I'm sorry," I took a step back, pretending to worship her.

"Come on, let's go," She shook her head still laughing.

We exited through the front doors, not able to part our smiles.

As we walked down the street to our cars, I started to speak, "So, why'd you only invite me Deja?" I yawned, feeling a bit curious.

"Um," She held her finger to her mouth as she thought of what to say, "No one else could come."

"Don't lie to me," I poked her side, causing her to laugh even harder.

"Fine. I wanted to get to know you better," She giggled, softly slapping my shoulder, "Forgive me."

"That's exactly why I didn't invite my brother or best friend," I jerked my head back in laughter.

"So I guess we both had hopes," She mumbled to herself, but I could hear her perfectly.


She shook her head, "Never mind don't listen to me, I'll see you tomorrow okay?" I watched as she jumped inside her car, turning the ignition on. 

"Okay, can we hang out tomorrow possibly?" I asked, hoping she'd say yes.

"I'm actually going to another party tonight if you'd like to come."

"Awesome, text me."

Text me. | Jack Maynard ✔️ *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now