Twenty- One

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Chapter Twenty- One

Jack Maynard

Bailey and I left the apartment building, holding each other's arms and scampering down the side walk as I ducked down in case anyone I knew saw me.

We decide to go Starbucks, which wasn't that far, probably like a block or two away from the flats.

On our walk we had a lovely talk. We talked about events that occurred in high school, and other things such as my little crush on her.

"I used to have the biggest crush on you," I blush and awkwardly scratch the back of my head.

She starts laughing in disbelief, "I know, I had a crush on you too."

"No way."

"Yes way."

"Then why didn't we go to prom together? That fucking sucks," I joke.

"I was waiting for you to ask," She sighs, "I wish I could've gone with you. Matt's a prick."

"Me too. I really like you."

What did I just say, honestly. This little walk we're currently having, is reminding me of the talks we used to have while waking the track in gym class. I remember how warm my heart would get as we talked. And how constantly I'd blush.

"Really?" She parts her lips, as if she was excited.

"Yeah, I do. And I missed you," I stop walking and hold both of her hands in front of me.

At that moment, it starts to rain, leaving us soaked and laughing.

"I missed you too," She leans in, and we have a long gentle kiss.

Holly shit, I have two girlfriends now. Fuck, I forgot about Kylie. And Deja, damn if she hates me that's her loss. I like Bailey a lot, and I always have.

"Come on let's go to Starbucks now, I'm thirsty," She laughs and we start to walk again.


Deja Wilson

I was finally in London again, this time completely alone as the sky darkened and the rain poured down.

I cried as I walked down the street. Listening to depressing music, hoping Jack would take me back and accept our beautiful baby. Because I know, I could never raise a baby on my own.

I reach a restaurant, and try wiping the smeared makeup from under my eyes before I enter the huge building. It was the closest food place, so it was my only hope at the moment.

The first person I noticed was Josh, Jack's roommate. And at the moment I realized how small this world is.

"Deja, what are you doing here?" He asks, and starts running towards me, "Why are you wet?"

"It's raining, you dumbass."

"Jeez I'm sorry, but seriously. Why are you here?"

"Long story," I sigh, and start making my way into the restaurant line.

"Do you need a ride?"

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