Twenty- Two

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Chapter Twenty- Two

Jack Maynard

Bailey and I spent almost eight hours together, not going back to the flats until about eight in the morning. Because we liked each other, a lot. Or I was desperate and needed something to take my mind off of Deja, I don't even know honestly.

Something crazy we did last night was go to a small concert, in the center of the city. It was cute and fun, but Drake wasn't there so it wasn't too cool.

When I got home, I looked like hell. And I actually decided to use the front door for once because I knew Conor or Josh weren't home on Sunday mornings.

I grab some food, which was almost the entire cabinet. And I go back into my room, ready to continue my life.

I check my phone, knowing I hadn't been on it all night.

Deja: Hi

Deja: Just wanted to see how you were doing

Deja: Jack?

I didn't answer. Although I was still in love with her, she did break my heart.

I put my phone down and look up at the ceiling, remembering Deja in all her glory.


Deja Wilson

It was the next morning, and I was ready for this. I take a shower, and get nice and ready for when I see Jack.

I cried in the shower, knowing I fucked everything up. And none of this was Jack's fault.

His blonde hair and blue eyes were stunning. And his personality, was the greatest thing I've every experienced in my entire life.

Also, I feel like I say the most cheesiest things, when I talk about him. And I'm sorry if I'm being repetitive.

Once I'm done getting ready, I wait. Wait for some other thought to pop up in my head. Maybe what I was about to do wasn't the brightest idea. Jack could have moved on by now, but I highly doubt that.

I take a deep breathe before I even think to leave the hotel room. I start walking down the hallway with a terrified look on my face, clutching my phone tightly in my hand.

Once I get outside the hotel, it's my turn to call an uber, although I hate ubers. Like I've said many times.

The uber comes within twenty minutes, and meets me in the back of the hotel.

This guy seemed creepy, and made me unsettled the moment I laid eyes on him. He had a gross grey beard, and a bald head. He had thin silver glasses, and he only made one facial expression which was a blank stare.

His voice was deep and raspy, and the only thing he said to me was, "Get in."

I thought twice about getting into this uber, but of course I got in. Too deep in thought about Jack.

His driving was reckless, and I probably stared at the road the entire  time, too anxious.

"Excuse me sir, turn here," I say loudly, and point the direction he was supposed to turn.

But he ignored me, and continued to drive down the long road.

"Sir! You missed my turn!"

The drive continues for another five minutes, and that's when I noticed something so fucking creepy. On his dash board, was a long line of pictures. Pictures of brunette girls, and I guarantee they weren't family members.

"Stop the fucking car!" I yell, but he continues to ignore me.

I try opening the door, but there's no unlock button. I should have listened to my gut feeling, because this is exactly why I don't trust ubers.

He drove me into the woods, while I continued to scream at him the entire time.

In the woods was a little cabin, surrounded by dark trees and some broken trees. He parks, and let's me out of the car.

I try running away, but he grabs my arm and drags me into the cabin.

"You sick mother fucker!"

He takes me into the basement of the cabin, were I find many other girls. Just like the ones in the pictures.

He was so much bigger than me, and I tried getting away but he was too strong.

He puts duck tape on my mouth, and ties me to a chair.

"I'm pregnant!"

My comment only made him smirk, as if he was planning on torturing my baby.

He took my phone, so I couldn't contact anyone, such as Jack.

Anyways, This was actual hell, and I don't know what to do with myself.


Conor Maynard

Josh and I have been out of the house for a long time, waiting to Deja to allow us to go home. I honestly hope they get back together. Well, they were never together actually. I hope they make up, because I hate seeing Jack miserable.

"Should we call her?" Josh yawns.

"They could be having sex Josh, you never know."

"I want to go home!"

"Fine, I'll call Jack," I decide, and pull out my phone to dial his number.

Ring.. Ring.. Ring

"Hello?" Jack answers.

"Jack, is Deja there yet?"

"Why would she be here?"

"We left the house, so she can talk to you."

"What? Why didn't you tell me this?" He gaps, "Are you sure she's in London?"

"Josh took her to the hotel last night."

"Fuck you guys!"

"This is important, something could be happened to her," I raise my voice.

"Then call her, but I have a girlfriend now Conor."

"You what?"

"Bailey, the girl I liked during high school."

Due to me being upset and flabbergasted, I hang up. And dial Deja's number.

Her phone continues to ring, but she doesn't answer. I call her almost fourteen times, still nothing.

"Come on, let's go to her hotel," I suggest, and Josh and I race out the door and to our car.

We get to her hotel and ask a million questions. But they all say the same thing, "She's not here. She left a few hours ago."

She's in trouble, and it's our job to find her. So we did what we had to, and called the police.

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