Twenty- Three

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[ "She wants someone to love, to hold her" Jack via Twitter. ]

Chapter Twenty- Three

Jack Maynard

I had to help Conor find Deja, although I told myself I have to move on. It's for the best, and I know she'll have more appreciation towards me once I try to do something considerate. One thing thing I have to remember is- don't act upset that she left you. Act like you've already moved on.

My knees weaken at the thought of her in danger. It makes my stomach turn in all different directions, and my spine crack. I decide to act like an animal for once in my life, and barge through my bedroom door.

I call Conor, grabbing an apple from the kitchen and small bag before exiting the flat.

"Conor, were are you?" I ask, moving at a quick pace.

"Police station, it turns out Deja took an uber to the flats, but the ride is supposedly continuing," He explains, and little shock in his voice, "All I know is she's in danger."

"Fuck, were's the uber heading?"

"That small forest west of the flats," Conor states, "Careful Jack."

"I will," I hang up, and pretty much dodge towards the car. As I get in, I feel someone approach me, and gently place their hand on my shoulder. Due to reflex, I turn around sharply and almost sock the persons face. But it was Bailey, so how could I do that?

"Whoa, calm down hot stuff," She giggles, and instantly starts playing with my teaseled hair.

"Bailey, I'm in a hurry."

"Can I come with you?" She bats her eyelids, "I'll stay out of your way."

"I'd rather you not come along, just because it could be dangerous."

"Dangerous? In that case, you can't go," She says firmly, and folds her arms.

I give her a weird look, then get inside the car. Completely ignoring her response because I simply needed to hurry.

I roll down the window once I notice her knock, and she leans in close, "Stay safe, I love you."

We share a heated kiss, that lasted about five minutes. But it still burned my heart. All the girls in my life, and the mixed emotions. It was really confusing. Plus I haven't been doing YouTube for a while and that's pissing people off.

I wave goodbye, and give her a fake smile. As soon as she's away from the car, I start the drive down the barren road, turning on the radio and humming the song.

I didn't know what I was getting myself into honestly. But I would do anything for her, even if she has a dick boyfriend.

I reach the terrifying forest- it's only terrifying because it's now dark outside, and Deja's being kidnapped probably, so that lifts the mood by a ton.

I exit the car, locking it in case someone tried stealing it. I turn on my phone flashlight and start walking down a trail.

I could hear my feet crunch the sticks beneath me as I took each step, which caused me to turn around almost every second.

Suddenly, I spot a cabin- and honestly, it looked so fucking ghetto, no joke. And just as I thought, a nice looking car was parked outside the cabin, perfect disguise for someone planning to abduct someone.

I walk around the building, trying to be as quiet as possible. But I hear, nor see anything.

All of a sudden I see headlights, flashing from the opposite side of the cabin. I duck behind a bush, in case it was someone bad. But luckily, it was only Conor and Josh.

Text me. | Jack Maynard ✔️ *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now