Chapter Thirteen

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I rushed into the scrub room of OR 2. I scrubbed in and entered the room.
"Grey, this 26 year old jane doe entered the hospital a little under an hour ago. Unconscious, lost of blood. We couldn't find anything so we decided to do an exploratory surgery. Come take a look at what we found."
I moved around the nurses in the room. I took a look inside of the patient and there it was a baby. I tiny baby.

"The baby is blocking the artery. If we move this baby too quickly it'll die and if we move to slow mom bleeds out."

"And if the baby stays inside. She'll get an infection and they both die." I responded

"I say move the baby. Look at the size of the baby. It has no chance." A doctor im the room commented.

"Dr. Grey. I need a answer in 5 seconds or Im making this decision."

I took a deep breath because this was ultimately my call. I moved down the table to take a look at the patient.

"5..4...3...2....1 Lets move the baby and save mom."


I instantly stopped breathing when I realized it was my best friend on this table.

"Now here's what we are going to do. Nurse page all oh my interns. NOW."

"Dr. What are you doing?"

"This lady on this table is not a jane doe. She's my best friend. I know more than anyone she wants that baby so here's what's going to happen. Everyone in the room is going to move on my word and quick. Me and One of my interns are going to move her baby. As soon as I move this baby. Every doctor still at this table will do EVERYTHING to save her. You will not stop until she's well and alive." I looked up and saw my interns walking in.

"Bring me a incubator. NOW!" I said to one of them. "You get over here."

"Im going in grab the head of this tiny love baby. I need you to grab and support the back. One wrong move and you're going to kill this baby. One my count."

I positioned my hands inside of her grabbing and supporting the baby's neck and head while my inter grabbed the back.

"1...2...3..." We quickly but carefully moved the baby to the incubator and I went to work on the baby.

Eva had just given birth to a baby boy weighing only a pound. Other than him being underweight, his right lung was collapsing. Right now he was unable to breath on his own. He was hanging by a thread but he's alive.

I quickly turned around when I heard Eva beginning to flatline.

"What the hell is going on over there?" I screamed while examining the baby.

No one responded. "Somebody answer me NOW!"

"Dr. Grey please leave the room."

"Answer me!"


I roughly took off my gloves and mask before storming out of the OR. My interns were transporting the baby to the NICU.

I went to my office going in my drawer and called Jason. I told him it was an emergency and to come to the hospital with August and Chris alone.

I know Eva slept with August but she's also been sleeping with Chris. Because of the size of the baby I couldn't tell how far alone she was. She could be 5 months or 9 months. Im not sure.

No Love: The Sequel (August Alsina Love Story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora