Chapter Twenty-Two

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Justin and I were playing 2k while the girls were hanging in the kitchen with Ashley. I needed to get the kids back to Eva before it got too late.

"Can I talk to you? About some serious stuff?"I asked still focusing on the game.

"Sure, I guess." He answered before scoring a lay up.

"I just want to apologize to you. I know before everything happened I was working on building a bond with you and trying to become that father figure in your life. Shit I know I fucked up. Im just trying to make everything I messed up right again. You get what I'm saying?"

"Yeah I getchu. I understand. I'm not holding no grudges."

"On another note, I know you don't want me around moms but I'm trying to make things right by her. You know? but I just wanted to make sure it was cool with you before I try to do that."

"Yeah it's cool by me. I'm all for moms and pops getting back together as long as moms is happy and you treat her as she deserves." Justin spoke maturely. "I just want to see her genuinely happy and not with these dudes who make her happy for a minute. My mom deserves it."

"I agree with you. I promise I'll try my hardest to do right by her." I said pausing the game and dapping him and pulling him into a hug.

After Justin finished kicking my ass in 2k I got the kids together and took them over to Eva's. When we got there she was still at work so I cooked dinner and got them ready for bed since they had school. Right now I was just chilling on the couch holding Asher watching ESPN. Eva done this house alot of justice. I barley recognized it.

 I barley recognized it

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