Chapter 9: Change

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I woke up in a different room. Where now? I raised my head up slowly, a pounding pain was at the back of my head. I took in a deep breath but choked and coughed. Metallic liquid filled my mouth and I spit it out towards the side. Blood. The lights were already on, bright as day. I tried moving another part of my body. No use.

Instead of being changed this time. I was completely pressed up against the wall. Metal cuffs bounded me to the wall in three different spots on each arm. One near my shoulder, one at my elbow, and one at my wrist. I tried flexing my fingers. They moved. So I'm not drugged but restrained now? I looked down and saw that there was a cuff around my waist and two cuffs around each of my legs.

I sighed and tried moving my toes. They moved. My head dropped forward until my chin rested awkwardly on my chest. That escape attempt was a failure. I reached back into my memories of the night. How long was I out for? I clenched my hands into fists. Am I really that easy to read?

"Oh good you're awake." My head snapped up immediately and turned towards the source of the voice, ignoring the increasingly painful pounding in my head. Dillon at the entrance with a smirk. My eyes immediately looked around him. No knives?

"No torture today." He said as he crossed the room towards the center of the wall opposite of me. I bit down on my tongue as I furrowed my eyebrows into a frown, he could tell what I was thinking. Would it be enough if I try to suppress my facial expressions?

"Well not physical torture anyways." Dillon continued as he plastered his hand onto the wall. A bright blue light spread from his hand and created a strange zig zag pattern, as if creating a spider web. The blue lines stopped at an imaginary edge, creating a rectangular shape. What's this?

The rectangle covered with blue light silently moved forward and outwards before moving so that it stayed right above of its original position. A screen behind the wall moved forwards. It took up about half of the wall in front of me. What is he planning. I narrowed my eyes and leaned forward as much as I could.

Shooting another evil smirk in my direction, Dillon turned on the screen. It looked like the room I was in before. And in the center of it all was... Hugh!

I jolted forwards only to be pulled back by my restraints. His face and other parts of his skin was caked with blood, his clothes were soaked by the ruby liquid and his left arm and leg twitched slightly in awkward and strange positions as he lay on the floor. They broke his arm and leg. What else have they done to them.

I struggled against my restraints, thrashing forwards. "What are you going to do?"

"Hmm?" Dillon murmured as he leaned on the wall to the side of the screen. "Not much. Just some entertainment."

Someone else walked into the room. It was one of the two boys that followed Dillon around everywhere even when we were in school. The crack of a whip sounded and Hugh cried out. I screamed in rage. Thrashing as much as I could and pushed against the restraints, with the intent of escaping. "Stop!" I screamed in frustration when I couldn't break free.

Dillon gave a loud sigh of content, "Now this is much better entertainment. Why didn't I think of this earlier?" He pressed his hand up against the wall again and blocks from the wall rearranged itself to form a seat. Dillon sat down and crossed his legs, leaning backwards. "If only I had popcorn."

"How dare you!" I shrieked with rage. "STOP!" I screamed until my throat felt like sandpaper rubbing against each other and my breathing was so fast I was almost hyperventilating. I had to watch Hugh get beat up over and over and over again. I could feel bruises forming on places where the cuffs held me but it was only an insignificant detail to the pain that is being dealt to Hugh. I stopped thrashing at one point. But I don't remember when. I just stared helplessly at the screen, watching my friend get tortured.

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