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Mitch pov
I paged 911 to my crews. I held Kirstie's hand

M: No no Kirst you are gonna stay with me.

Kirstie kept pointing to the boxes and I had no idea what she wanted

M: Kirst please just stay still

She kept pointing to the boxes and tried to move herself there. I went by the boxes and opened them. Inside the box Paloma was there.

M: Kirst I got her. Don't worry. What you have to do is just stay with me okay? Just stay with me.

She smiled weakly. Her hands lost the strength and I knew she lost her conscious

I was panicking. I never panicked when someone was shot. I put Paloma gently on a chair making sure she won't wake up.

I quickly examined her wound. My hands were still trembling. I found the bullet's exit. Blood were oozing out. I grabbed a towel and I put pressure on the wound. I tied it and checked my phone. Several paged me that The Cross was gone.

Joseph came in with Steve.

J: Boss what happened?
M: Kirst is shot. Paloma is fine. Can you get her out of this bloody room?

Joseph swiftly carried Paloma and I carried Kirstie. We moved quickly to her room and set her down. Steve, as the doctor of the gang, examined her.

S: I will have to stitch her up and wait for her to wake up.

I sighed and held her hand. Steve quickly stitched her with no problem. Steve left us. Jo handed Paloma to me and left too. Paloma just woke up amd started to cry. I tried to calm her but she wouldn't calm down. So I just laid her down next to Kirst.

Surprisingly her cries stopped. She played with Kirstie's hair. I was dazed yet hurt. I didn't know what I was doing. This is all stupid.

Kirstie pov
I had an amazing pain on my arm. My eyes fluttered open. I was thirsty. But first I searched for Paloma

M: Are you alright?

My head snapped to the direction the sound was coming.

K: Paloma?
M: She is in her bed sleeping.

I sighed in relief than looked down on my arm. There was a huge bandage. I remembered getting shot.

M: You passed out due to the amount of blood you lost.

He handed me some water and I gulped down greedily.

K: How long have I..?
M:Three days. Today is the fourth.

I squinted as the pain was becoming more.

M: There are some pain killers if you want.
K: Umm yes please.

He popped two out and handed to me. As I was abojt to lift my arm a sharp pain passed through me.

M: Careful. You shouldn't be moving your arm much
K: Umm.. thanks

He had a tired look on his face. His beard grew a little.

K: Please don't tell me you stayed here the whole time
M: I didn't

Jo who was standing at the doorside spoke up

J: He did.
M: No I didn't
K: Oh my god. I can't believe your stupid ass
M: I did not
K: I will be fine. Go take a nap
M: I did not stay here
K: Now Mitch
M: Ugh fine

He walked away. Jo came and sat next to me

J: What you did was very brave

I rolled my eyes and chuckled.

K: Jo I was trained to be a killer

Jo seemed to be taken back by my statement.

K: I was in the gang too.

He seemed to think about it and an unsure look came across his face.

J: Are you... the one who escaped?
K: Yes. Yes I was.

His shocked expression was clear. I decided to continue.

K: I got a baby and I wanted her to stay safe.

He nodded his head in understoodment. I lied back on my pillow

K: To be honest I don't know what I am doing
J: You are being a great mom.
K: Thanks
J: Trust me. You are a great mom.

He smiled and I smiled back. Paloma woke up and cried

K: Could you get Paloma please?
J: Sure

He soon appeared with Paloma. She babbled quickly trying to tell me something. I just nodded my head and concentrated

All I could get was nothing. Jo laughed and I laughed too. When he was around it was always fun.

J: It's lunch. What do you wanna have?
K: Anything.
J: How about lasagna. There are some ledt.
K: Okay

Jo headed out to tell the maid to bring my lunch. He headed out with Paloma so I was alone in the room.

Mitch came in with a new clothes and wet hair.

K: What are you doing here?
M: I want to explain.
K: About what?
M: About Liliana
K: Who?
M: The girl who is visiting.

I crumpled my eyebrows and sighed. Just by thinking of her, my head hurts

K: You don't have to
M: I want to
K: I don't want to talk about this
M: We have to
K: It doesn't matter Mitch. I am here to be protected which is not going so well and I don't want another drama with you.

I knew my words were harsh but I had to. Jo came in with my lasagna.

K: Please leave.

Mitch glanced at me and Jo.

M: You are gonna have lasagna with your wounded arm?
K: My left arm is fine Mitch. Leave.

He sighed and walked out. Jo came by me and sat down. He brought a baby chair and sat Paloma down. He brought a botfle with her and fed her. He gave me my food and I ate. Well tried to eat.

My left arm didn't do a great job balancing the food. I kelt dropping it before it even came bear my mouth

J: I can help.
K: Thanks.

He cut the lasagna piece by piece and gave them to me. I felt so hopeless.

J: What's wrong?

I didn't realize I was crying until he asked me.

K: Umm nothing.

I just said I was full. I couldn't help but the image of Liliana kissing Mitch went over and over in my mind. I was slowly killing myself bit by bit


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