Chapter Eight

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8 - Annie P.O.V.

I felt on top of the world. I'd received a standing ovation at my first show. I knew that Gwen had to hire me or she would look like a fool. So when she approached me with a condescending, snobby attitude, even after my performance, I was a bit shocked. I knew that I shouldn't have been surprised though. Gwen had never been anything but snobby, so why should I expect different now.

Backstage, after the show, Gwen was telling me, "Well, you obviously have the job, but don't think that I won't be watching you like a hawk. I'll work you harder than most, because you need the most improvement and..."

"No." I had blurted the word, cutting Gwen off, before I even realized I'd spoken.

Her eyes widened, before narrowing to slits, "Excuse me, what did you say?"

I squared my shoulders, making a split-second decision. I couldn't work for this horrible woman, so I calmly explained, "I said no. I'm turning down the job offer. I refuse to work for someone who thinks it's her job to belittle people."

Gwen snorted. "Your loss. You there—what's your name? Heather..." Gwen snapped, as Hope tried to walk past.

Hope frowned, "Me, uh, my name is Hope." She had tears in her eyes, so I knew she'd heard Gwen offer me the job.

Gwen rolled her eyes, "I don't care what your name is. You're hired."

Hope's eyes widened and then she looked at me. I shrugged. I couldn't tell her what to do, but I knew Gwen would chew Hope up and spit her out, every single day. If Hope wanted to put up with that, then that was her decision. I just couldn't do it. Hope struck me as the type of person who kept her head down and just went with the flow, so she surprised me when she said, "No, thank you. I don't want to work for you either."

Gwen's eyes widened even further. She looked back and forth between Hope and me, thinking we had lost our minds. Then she stormed off without another word. I smiled. Feeling good about my decision. I didn't know what I would do and I could have very well just kissed my fashion career goodbye, but I could live with that, if it meant not having to work for a nasty person like that. I looked at Hope and burst out laughing, "What the hell did we just do?"

Hope's eyes were wide and she appeared shell-shocked, "I have no idea." She too began to laugh.

We were startled when someone started clapping and turned to find Vincent Thurgood. He was one of the top fashion designers of the world. He walked toward us with a huge smile on his face, "Bravo, ladies. I've never seen anyone knock Gwendolyn Yates down a peg, but you surely did it. You're both crazy, but I love crazy. Both of your designs were fabulous, but Annabelle Welker...yours were divine. You know I've been considering picking up a designer. I would love to be your financial backer to get your feet off the ground. Tell me that you have a logo and a brand name picked out."

I slowly nodded, "I do." I'd actually designed my logo years ago, just for fun, never dreaming I'd ever use it. Gwen didn't even realize, but I had sewn into the underside seam of all my garments, a tiny "Annie's" logo.

Vincent clapped happily, "Perfect, consider yourself a businesswoman. Here is my card. Call and make an appointment with me on Monday so that we can make things legal. You have designs to make. I'll have my secretary get you a copy of my runway show schedule and we'll add your segment as an intro for all of my shows. I'm getting goosebumps, I'm so excited." He began to walk away with flare, but paused, "Oh and Annie, I'd recommend you hire some help. I imagine your designs will sell right out of your hands."

When Vincent was gone, I stared after him for a long time. When I came back down to earth, Hope was still standing beside me. I realized that all my dreams were coming true, while hers had flown the coop. Not that I could help it, but she was looking at me expectantly. So, I smiled and told her seriously, "You're obviously hired. Do you know how to get ahold of Henry Franks? I loved his work."

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