Chapter Six

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6 - Annie P.O.V.

"Whose blouse is this? Who did this?" The head designer bellowed. Gwen Yates was one scary woman. She was a tall, willowy, blond woman, but she had enough attitude for a hundred times her weight. She was really hard on all of us and any time she was in the room we were constantly on edge. We only had a week before the fashion show and emotions were high all around. Nobody said anything, probably too scared to, and Gwen demanded again, "Whose fucking blouse is this?"

"It's mine." Henry Frank, a tall, African American, gay man, whom I had gotten to know pretty well in the last couple days, finally admitted.

"Out. Get out of my sight. Get out of my studio. Get out of my city. You will never make it in this business and I want you gone. What are you waiting for?" Gwen screeched and poor Henry fled the room. Gwen looked closely at each of us, one by one, slowly waiting for any of us to crack. When none of us crumbled from fear, she nodded and left the room.

A couple other interns began to whisper, but I put my head down and went back to my work station. I felt pretty shaken. Henry Frank had been a damned good designer, in my opinion, and Gwen had just squashed his dreams in seconds. If she could do that to someone as talented as Henry, who had way more fashion background than I did, then I'm shocked I was still here.

Gwen suddenly stepped back into the room, "You two whispering like a couple of school girls. Get the fuck out of my studio. You're done too." My eyes widened, but I didn't watch them leave. Then there were only two interns, myself and another woman named, Hope Erwin. Gwen scoffed, "Just because you've made it to the final two does not guarantee you a job after the show. You still have plenty of time to fuck up."

After Gwen left the room again, Hope and I shared a nervous look, but we didn't speak and then we got back to work. We worked in silence until five o'clock. My hands were sore and I was exhausted. Hope and I went our separate ways, still without speaking. I think we were both afraid that Gwen might be lurking around the corner and would kick us both to the curb if she caught us talking. These tense conditions would make for an uncomfortable week, but it would be worth it if I could get a job offer.

I caught the bus just in time and had just stepped onboard when my cell phone rang. It was Kira. I smiled and answered, "Have you decided to leave my brother already?"

Kira laughed, "No, we just haven't had much chance to talk since you went to New York and I was wondering how things were going. Drew has talked to you a couple times and says that you're acting weird, so I thought I'd check on you myself. He said that Jason has been acting weird too, actually."

I swallowed, "Um, Kira, can you keep a secret?"

"Well, that depends. Is it life or death, because anything that is life threatening will probably get spilled to Drew?" Kira admitted.

I sighed, "Well, Drew might kill someone if he finds out."

"Does this have something to do with Jason?"

"Why would you think that?" I asked, nervously.

"Well, you and Jason have both been acting weird, so I was just grasping, but now I know it does have to do with Jason.! Tell me you two did not hook up!" Kira squealed.

"Would it really be such a bad thing, if we did?"

Kira sighed, "In my opinion, no, but Drew will have an entirely different opinion. You're his baby sister and eighteen or not, he'll always think of you as a baby. Jason is his best friend. Drew knows about all of Jason's escapades with girls and Drew will not like that Jason has added you to the list."

"Even if we're in love?" I ask, sadly.

Kira choked, "Whoa, love? Honey, don't try to make Jason out to be some gentleman Romeo. The old Jason might have been like that, but he's been different ever since Dani broke his heart. I just don't want you to get your hopes up. He'll probably run for the hills if you mention the word love."

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