Chapter Ten

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10 – Annie P.O.V.

It'd been a couple months since Drew had shown up with the news about everyone's parentage. I hadn't talked to mom or...Anthony since. Not that we talked all that much before. My parents had always been very self-centered, shallow people. They lived their own lives and be-damned anyone who got in the way. So, like Jason had said, nothing had really changed.

I was curious about Byron Peterson though. I'd done some digging on Social Media and discovered that he was a forty-seven-year-old stockbroker. He had two son's and a daughter. It was weird to know that I had three half-siblings out there whom I had no idea about until now and whom still didn't know about me. They were all older than me, but not by much. Byron's youngest son was only five months older than me. So, while his wife had been pregnant, with their third child, he'd been screwing my mother. Real swell guy, my real father was. The more I learned about the situation and the more time I had to process everything; I really didn't care to meet him. It would have been cool to meet his kids, but I doubted they'd want to learn the truth about dear ol' dad, so I had decided not to reach out to them. I didn't like the thought of the lives I might ruin if I did contact them.

Besides that, I'd been swamped with work. It was backbreaking and stressful...and wonderful. I was doing what I loved, and my designs would be the opening act in a fashion show Vincent was hosting at the end of the month. Hope Erwin and Henry Frank had been Godsends. According to them, they loved working with me and wouldn't change a thing. They both loved fashion, as much as I did, but unlike me, they seemed content to help create someone else's designs. I hoped someday they would try again though.

Other than the weirdness about my parentage, everything was going wonderful. Jason was, in a word, amazing. I hadn't been able to cook dinner every night, like I did when I first moved in with him. He never complained though. We either whipped something up together, when I got home, went out to eat, or sent for take-out. I hoped after the show later in the month, more doors would be opened and money would start rolling in for me. Jason never commented about how little I was able to contribute for the time being, but it bothered me. I refused to be a mooch!

"Hello. I'm looking for Annabelle Welker."

I turned after giving Hope a pat on the back for a job well done. We'd been sewing non-stop for hours, trying to ensure we'd not only be ready for the show, but also in the hopes of gaining orders from the show. I turned to find the sultry voice belonged to a beautiful woman, dressed to impress.

"I'm Annie Welker." I say and hold out my hand for introductions.

She smiled, charmingly, and shook my head, "Oh good. I'm here in response to your Ad in the paper. It stated you were looking for a model use on your new website. Danielle Westerly."

I blinked and gulped, "Dani?"

Her eyes narrowed, "Do I know you?"

I shook my head, "No, but the position has already been filled. Thank you for coming in."

"The Ad was just in the paper this morning." She accused.

"Yes, it was." I agree and head back to my sewing machine, turning my back on her. There was no way in hell I'd hire her, not after what she'd done to Jason. Besides that, having her face and body plastered all over my website, for my business was nothing I would ever consider as an option.

"Why do I get the feeling you're not giving me the job because of something personal?"

I turned back to look at her. I could see why Jason would have fallen for her. She was gorgeous with a polished presence that demanded attention. He hadn't stood a chance. Deep down though, I could tell she was rotten to her core. Her smile was too practiced to be real. Every move she made seemed calculated. She broke my man's heart, not to mention his wallet, and if I had my way she'd never work in the fashion industry again. At that though, I wondered what Vincent would have to say if he knew. He seemed like a pretty loyal guy and he knew loads of people. Maybe I'd "accidently" let the story slip to him sometime and see how the cards fell.

With that thought, I smiled and told her, "I don't personally know you, but you used to date my boyfriend. I know about everything you did to him. I'd never want someone so heartless to be the face of my brand. Jason deserved better and he has it, with me."

Her eyes narrowed, "You're dating Jason Harris?"

I nodded and lifted my chin, "I am."

She chuckled, "That's funny, because I just came from his apartment."

"No you didn't." I instantly defended. Jason wouldn't do that to me.

"Yes, I did." She seemed serious and almost genuine in her answer.

"Why were you at his apartment?"

"He and I had some...unfinished business to tend to. If you know what I mean? Don't worry, Hun, I'm sure it will be the last time...or maybe not, since I was just there last week too."

"You're lying."

"Am I?" She asked, smiling smugly.

"Get out." I tell her.

"Gladly. Your designs probably suck anyway." She says, nastily and turned to leave, but ran right into Vincent Thurgood. Her tone turned sugary sweet, "Mr. Thurgood, what an honor?"

His eyes narrowed at her, before he glanced at me and saw my stricken expression. Then he glared down at her, "Do I know you?"

"Danielle Westerly, model. I'm sure you've seen some of my work. I've been in several shows recently." She said, arrogantly.

"No, I can't say that I've ever heard of you. I did hear Miss Welker ask you to leave, however, so you better get to it."

"Of course. If you ever need another model, please give me a call." She tells him, before going around him.

"Miss Westerly?" Vincent suddenly hollered and I stiffened. He wouldn't offer her a job, surely.

She turned back, more than half-way out the door. She was grinning smugly as she said, "Yes?"

Vincent's tone changed as he explained, "I heard every word you said to Miss Welker and I didn't like it one bit. When I get done, you'll be lucky to find any job in the fashion industry. You have a good day now."

Dani's smile froze on her face and her whole body stiffened. The fake soon left her face and in its place was a very ugly woman, her inner bitch shinning through. I thought she'd start throwing things, but she whirled on her heels and left. Thankfully.

"Well, that was unpleasant." Vincent said, brushing at his shirt sleeve, which held no visible lint.

"I, um, what can I help you with Mr. Thurgood?" I asked, trying not to cry. I was grateful he'd taken care of Dani for me, but I was still sick at the thought that she was maybe telling the truth about having just come from seeing Jason.

"My dear, you can start by calling me Vincent. I just came to see how everything was progressing, but I can easily see I shouldn't have worried. I am worried about you personally though. That horrible woman led you to believe that she just slept with your boyfriend, but I wouldn't be too quick to believe her. Why don't you take the rest of the day off? You've been working so hard."

"Yes, go Anna, we've got this covered." Henry said with a kind smile and Hope nodded.

"Thank you. You're both the best and thank you, Mr...Vincent."

I didn't want to believe anything Dani said, but I do remember how crushed Jason had been over her. What if she'd gone back to him and begged his forgiveness? What if he gave it to her, but he was too nervous to tell me, for fear of hurting me or pissing off Drew? What if we were over and I didn't even know it? I hated the doubt in my head. I didn't think Jason would cheat on me, but Dani had been kind of like kryptonite for him. She'd seemed like she was telling the truth when she said she'd just come from his apartment...our apartment. Shit, maybe Jason was tired of my freeloading? Crap, I hated the self-doubt and so there was nothing left to do except confront this thing head-on. For better or for worse.

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