Chapter Five

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5 - Jason P.O.V.

This was the fourth night in a row I spent tossing and turning. Annie had me so worked up I was about to combust. I had been trying to hold off on fucking her, but she'd decided to start wearing these tiny little shorts around the apartment and her shirts suddenly got smaller too. I knew she was trying to tempt me, but I wanted her to be the one to crack. If she begged me to take her to bed, I would. I glanced at the alarm clock on my nightstand to see that it was barely past midnight. I decided maybe I'd go have a shot or two of whiskey to help me relax.

I crawled out of bed and began to tip-toe down the hall, not wanting to wake Annie, but I heard a strange noise coming from her room. I frowned and went to her door. Was that a moan? Was she hurt? I put my hand on the doorknob ready to rescue her when I heard her moan again, but this time it was a very throaty, "Jason!" What the hell? Was she...I quietly pushed her door open...she was. Annie Welker was masturbating. I heard the distinct sound of a vibrator now that the door was open. She had on nothing but a tiny pair of lace panties, which she'd pushed to the side in order to make room for her B.O.B. which she was thrusting in and out of her canal. Her other hand cupped her bare breast, before tweaking her nipple. Oh my God, I'd died and gone to heaven.

What the hell was I supposed to do now? I didn't like being the weirdo pervert just standing here watching her, without her knowledge, but I didn't want to startle her either. Maybe I should leave and come back after she was done? No, I couldn't do that. After seeing what I was seeing, there was no way I could hold off any longer. I wanted her and I wanted her now. I went back to my room long enough to grab several condoms and then I went back to Annie's room where she was really getting into it now. Her whole body was wreathing and her hand, with the vibrator, was really going at it.

I slowly reached out and put my hand over hers. She gasped, dropped the vibrator, and tried to sit up. I soothed, "Easy, Babe, I'm sorry to sneak up on you, but I heard you and thought you were in pain or something, so came to check on you."

"I, uh...oh God, I'm so embarrassed." Annie muttered and tried to pull her blankets over her.

I stopped her, picked up the vibrator, and rubbed it over her clit. She gasped and looked up at me in confusion. "I can't hold out any longer. I'm going to make you mine tonight."

"Please." She said and arched her back, as I slowly inserted the vibrator back where it belonged.

"How often have you masturbated since you've been staying with me?" I asked her and then dipped my head, taking one of her nipples into my mouth, making it hard. All the while my hand pumped her with the vibrator.

"Um, every night...sometimes several times." She admitted.

"Damn." I hissed and then covered her mouth with my own. Her hips began to buck and then her whole body convulsed, as she broke the kiss, and screamed with her release. I removed the vibrator, switched it off, and then tugged her panties off. I quickly slipped out of my boxer briefs, which is all I wore to bed and sheathed myself with a condom. Then I covered her delectable body and slowly slid my way inside of her. She felt so good, I couldn't help but moan.

"Jason!" She gasped and arched her back once I was fully embedded within her.

"Is there a meaning behind your bird tattoo?" I asked, even though I wanted nothing more than to lose myself within her. The bird had caught my eye as I'd removed her panties. It was located to the right of her lower abdomen. I wanted to kiss it later, after I fully sated us both.

She frowned up at me, "Really? You want to hear the story now? Fine, but you're getting the cliff notes version, because if you don't start moving soon I'm going to lose my shit. I got the tattoo right after I turned eighteen. I'd lost my baby only a couple months before that and I just wanted something to honor it. A way to remember that baby forever."

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