Chapter Three

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3 - Jason P.O.V.

I had lost my damned mind. That was the only explanation for why I left Annie Welker handcuffed to the bed in my spare bedroom. During my shower, I began to get into a better frame of mind. I had felt hungover before, which is hopefully the reason I'd been a complete dick. Hopefully that wasn't the real me now. Annie had said that I was broken. That Dani broke me. She wasn't completely wrong. I didn't think I was completely unfixable though, was I?

I thought about the look on Amanda's face when I told her to get out. I felt like an asshole. She'd done everything she could to please me the night before and I had nothing to complain about, but when she came out acting all hoity to Annie, I'd lost it. I knew her name too. The whole time. I had just learned that the wrong named dropped a time or two usually got them to leave faster. I just wish Annie hadn't witnessed my shitty behavior. She had every right to want to leave. I should just let her leave. The thought of her alone in New York City with nowhere to live scared the shit out of me though, so I would go out there, apologize, and beg her to stay with me for her duration.

I didn't like the man I'd become, and I knew that I'd have to play it straight with Annie here. Maybe I could begin to repair myself with her presence. She made me want to be a good person. I hated the thought of anyone touching her, let alone pressuring her into losing her virginity at a fucking keg party. Then she'd gotten pregnant and had been alone. I wanted to drag the name of the guy out of her and go teach him a thing or two, but I knew Annie would never trust me with that information. Why would she? I'd been nothing but a Neanderthal around her since she walked into the church last weekend.

I couldn't get our kiss out of my mind either, which is why I hooked up with Amanda last night and Beth the night before. I had been trying to forget the way Annie had felt in my arms. The way her big, black eyes, had looked up at me with every emotion in the book, swirling within them. Her smooth, olive skin, was like nothing I'd ever touched before. I couldn't get her out of my head, so there was only one thing left for me to do. I would have to win her over and convince her that I wasn't the asshole that I was behaving like. I knew that Drew wouldn't like me with his sister, especially because Drew knew more about my escapades than Annie would ever know. Drew trusted me with his sister though and that was a huge mistake, because I had never been more turned on in my life, than I had been after that one innocent kiss.

I quickly finished my shower and threw on a pair of sweatpants, eager to get back to Annie. I froze in the doorway of the spare bedroom and just stared at the angel before me. She'd tried to get comfortable and had somehow managed to fall asleep. God, I was an asshole for locking her down like that. I instantly went to her and unlocked the cuffs. She didn't wake up. So I gently lifted her, but in the process of trying to pull down the comforter, her eyes snapped open and she screeched, "What are you doing?"

She startled me, making me drop her, and I watched as she bounced on the bed a couple times before settling. Damn, she was gorgeous, I thought just before she got up, slamming her elbow into my stomach. I grabbed her to hold her still, but that just caused her to go wild. I hissed, "Annie, calm your tits."

"Did you seriously just tell me to calm my tits? Are you suddenly trying to be Clark?" Annie growled as she continued to fight me.

Drew, Clint, Clark, and I were best buddies in high school. Clint and Clark Foster are twins and have always been the most laid back among us. They now lived in California. Clark was a professional surfer and was living up his celebrity status with the ladies. Clint had settled down and gotten engaged. He was Clark's manager and ran a surf shop on the side. I didn't necessarily like to be compared to Clark, considering how shallow he was when it came to the ladies. If they didn't have long legs, a killer ass, and great boobs then he didn't look at them twice.

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