Chapter Twelve

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12 - Jason P.O.V.

I watched from the sidelines as my gorgeous wife, gave orders behind stage at her very own fashion show. Today's show was for strictly her fashion line and the seats were completely sold out. Annie and I had been married for almost a year and her belly was huge with our babies. Yes, I said babies. At first, when the doctor told us it was twins, I had almost fainted, but now I couldn't be more excited. Hell, they weren't even born yet and I was in love with them. We had decided not to find out their genders, so we didn't know who we'd be meeting in the next couple weeks or days. The doctor said the babies could come any time, but if they didn't make their own appearance before then, Annie would be induced in two weeks.

Annie learned, through a little social media stalking that twins ran on her biological father's side of the family. Her paternal Grandfather was a twin. She still hadn't reached out to any of them and probably wouldn't. She said she didn't want to be the one to "topple their kingdom" if they didn't know about Byron's infidelity. My girl refused to be a homewrecker even though zero percent of the blame should be placed on her shoulders.

As for the money Anthony had given to my mother, it still sat in the bank. I told Annie I didn't want to touch it, but she said maybe we could use the money to send our babies to college one day. I kind of liked that idea. I didn't want his dirty money, but I liked the thought of it going to my kids. Kids who were technically Anthony's grandchildren, but not how everyone thought. It was through me, not Annie, and I kind of felt like it'd be a slap to Anthony's face to use the money toward kids he would never fully except as his grandchildren. The asshole.

I'd tried to talk Annie into letting someone else handle the show for her, so she could stay home and rest, with her feet up, but Annie was determined. My girl may also be a bit of a control freak. So even though Hope and Henry could have handled it by themselves, Annie was right there in the mix giving orders like the professional she was. Large belly and all.

"Jason, you need to get your wife out of here. She's been having labor pains for a while now." Henry whispered as he walked by. He kept going as if he hadn't just verbally sucker punched me. Annie was in labor?

I hurried to her side, "Babe, you're in labor?"

"Maybe." She said and directed one of her models into position.

"Annabelle Harris, you're coming with me. We're going to the hospital. Now." I tell her sternly.

Henry walked up with a smile on his face, as he told Annie, "I love it when he gets bossy. He's so hot! Now, get out of here. You've done all you can do. We've got the rest." He gently pushed Annie toward me. I'd been a bit unsure about Henry at first. I'd never hung out with a gay man before, but he was a good guy. He'd been a good friend and employee to Annie.

"Jason, I can't leave in the middle of a show." Annie complained.

"Yes, you can, and you will. Now let's go. Do you really want our babies to be born here? We need to get you to the hospital, pronto." I tell her and gently escort her out of the building. I help her get settled in the passenger seat of my car and we begin to cautiously make our way to the hospital. Annie clutched the armrest any time a contraction hit, but other than that she showed no outward sign that she was in pain. My wife was such a trooper.

When we arrived at the hospital, I pulled right up to the emergency room doors and began to help her out, when a nurse came out with a wheelchair. She introduced herself as Charlotte and told me where I could find Annie, after I parked the car. I thought about protesting, not wanting to leave Annie's side, but I knew that I couldn't leave my car blocking the emergency entrance. So, I got into my car, recklessly parked, and then hurried inside. Annie hadn't made it past the front desk by the time I made it inside and I wanted to scream at these people. Didn't they know we were having a couple babies here?

Annie reached out and took my head. She smiled up at me, "Calm down, Jason."

I forced a smile. I was more than nervous. I knew that sometimes a multiple pregnancy could be dangerous and I was scared shitless. What if something happened to Annie? What if there were complications? I couldn't lose her. I knew that I was panicking before I needed to, but I couldn't help myself. Finally, they got Annie assigned to a room and I wheeled her down so that they could get her ready for delivery.

As soon as she was sprawled out on the delivery table, they checked her and immediately called the doctor, who appeared a few minutes later. Dr. Niko Chong reminded me of Chow from the Hangover movies, but luckily didn't act like him. He was very professional, and he seemed to keep Annie calm, so that was a good thing. I wasn't sure how long Annie had been in labor, but the actual delivery part went quickly. One-minute Dr. Chong was telling her to push and the next thing, we had a screaming baby in the room. It made me wonder just how long my wife had been in labor before I was told about it.

"It's a girl." Dr. Chong held her up, so that I could cut the umbilical cord. They only semi-wrapped her up before handing her to me.

I stared down at this beautiful new life and was in complete shock and awe. I'd only held her for a minute, when nurse Charlotte came over and offered, "Would you like me to take her and get her cleaned up?"

"I don't know." Was that what I was supposed to do? Did I really have to let go of her already? She'd just gotten there. What should I do? I began to panic for a whole new reason. I was a dad and I had no idea what the hell I was doing. Charlotte smiled, "Don't worry, I won't take her far, but she does need to get cleaned up and under the heating lamp for a few minutes. Besides, you've got another one to worry about."

A new cry suddenly entered the mix and I found myself cutting another umbilical cord, then holding another baby girl. Two girls. Annie smiled at me, looking beautiful but exhausted. I went to her and kissed her lips lightly, whispering, "You did such a good job, Babe."

They took my second daughter from me to get her cleaned up and I went over to watch. They were so tiny. How in the world could such a little thing be possible? There was a tiny little beating heart inside both girls, and I was instantly infatuated with them. Dr. Chong gave us a few instructions, before congratulating us and leaving the room. Charlotte smiled, "What are their names?"

We had been tossing around many different names, but not knowing what their genders would be made the job harder. I honestly would be fine with whatever Annie decided, so I asked her, "What are their names, Babe? You choose."

"Belle and Jacey." Annie answered without hesitation.

I smiled, "After Annabelle and Jason?"

Annie nodded with a smile, "Is that ok?"

I went to her and kissed her, "It's perfect. They're perfect. You're perfect."

"We're perfect." She said with a smile and my heart was full.

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