Chapter Nine

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9 – Jason P.O.V.

Annie had met with Vincent Thurgood last week, to officially begin their business partnership.  I'd learned, through Kira, how much of a big deal Thurgood was in the fashion industry.  The fact that Annie was getting the chance to work with him was a once in a lifetime opportunity.  She'd been exhausted every night since meeting with him, designing and sewing every day since, but she'd gone to bed with a happy smile on her face too, which is where she was now.  She'd fallen asleep the second her head hit the pillow and I'd watched her sleep for a little while, delighting in the fact that she was mine.

I wasn't tired though, so I was sitting on the couch, catching up on ESPN when there was a sudden knock at our door.  Frowning I looked at the clock to see that it was after ten and went to see who it was, assuming whomever it was had the wrong apartment.  I was shocked when I opened the door, "Drew?"

"Hey."  He said, with slumped shoulders.  He looked ready to puke and I didn't like the look on his face.

"What's wrong?  Why are you in New York?"

"Is Annie asleep?"  Drew asked.

"Yes.  What the fuck is going on?"

"I think you should sit down.  Wait!  I think we need liquor for this conversation."

Now I felt sick, as I went to get a bottle of whiskey and two glasses.  I poured a hefty amount in each one before returning to Drew, who sat on the couch with his head in his hands.  I set his drink and took the chair across from him.  Doing my best to remain calm I prompted, "Tell me what happened."

Drew drank half is glass of whiskey, before saying, "You know how people have always thought you and I were brothers, because of how much we look alike, and we never corrected them because we thought it was funny."

"Yea."  I said, shrugging.

Drew drained the rest of his glass and said, "Turns out, it's not's true."

I choked, "Say that again.  What is true?"

"We're brothers.  You and me."

My brain couldn't process what he was saying.  If Drew and I were brothers, then that meant Annie and I were...I felt sick as I gritted out, "How?"

"Your mom told you that your dad died right after you were conceived, right?  She lied, Man.  Your dad is still very much alive.  I know this because...your dad is my dad.  I was at my parent's house yesterday, in my dad's office, looking for my birth certificate.  I need to renew my driver's license and I need my birth certificate to do that.  I didn't only find my birth certificate.  I found yours and Annie's too.  Why would yours be in a file with mine, right?  When I looked at it, the father portion was left blank."

I nodded, "I have a copy of my birth certificate too.  I know the father portion is blank.  My mom said she didn't see any reason to fill in his name because he was no longer living.  I never questioned her.  So, um, Annie is...oh God I'm going to be sick."

"No, wait!  You're not related to Annie.  That's the other bomb I need to drop."

As if saying her name, caused her to appear, Annie walked into the room.  Her hair was disheveled, her sleep shirt was askew, and her eyes were droopy until she saw her brother.  Her eyes widened then, as she asked, "What's going on?"

I motioned for her to come to me, which she did.  After she was settled on my lap, I quietly explained, "Drew has  He found all three of our birth certificates in Anthony's home office.  It turns out...I'm Drew's half-brother.  His dad is my dad."

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