Chapter Eleven

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11 – Jason P.O.V.

I stiffened, hearing the front door open and close. I hadn't expected Annie home until much later, so I wasn't completely ready yet. I went to check to see if that's for sure what I heard and froze, seeing her face so pale. I frowned, "What happened? Are you alright?"

"The table is set for two."

"Yes, it is." Why did that confuse her?

"It looks like a very romantic setting. We usually just eat propped against the kitchen counter or on the floor, at the coffee table."

"Yes, I wanted to surprise you with a romantic night."

"You set this up for me?" She asked, sounding bewildered.

I chuckled, "Babe, who else would it be for?"

"Was Dani here today?"

I froze and answered the only way I knew how, the truth, "Yes."

Annie choked on a sob and said, "I'll go pack my things."

I intercepted her before she could take more than two steps, "Why in the world would you do that? Yes, Dani stopped by. No, I didn't invite her here and no, I didn't let her in. She came here groveling for me to take her back. I have no idea why. I'd already told her, more than once, that I'd never take her back. Not after what she did. I told her I didn't love her anymore and that I maybe never did. I told her that I was in love with someone else and planning on proposing to her tonight, even though I know it's still too soon. I just can't wait anymore. I love you, Annabelle Welker, and I want to officially make you mine."

"You...huh, what?" She seemed shell-shocked.

"Babe, have you heard a word I said?"

Annie nodded and began to cry, "I'm so sorry, Jason. I knew better than to believe her. No way would you do that to me, but she's so least on the outside and I thought maybe you still loved her, so I didn't know what to think."

I froze, "You thought I cheated on you with Dani?"

"I didn't know. She came to me looking for a job and once I realized who she was, I told her I'd never hire her after what she'd done to you. That's when she told me she'd just come from here and made it sound like you two were...intimate. I'm so sorry for believing even an ounce of anything that horrible woman had to say." Annie said, tears running down her face.

It hurt that she'd believe that about me, but I hadn't told her that I'd realized I'd never loved Dani and Annie had seen what losing her had done to me. So, I suppose I could see why she'd be nervous about the subject. I cursed myself, once again, for ever getting mixed up with Danielle Westerly in the first place.

"Baby, I would never cheat on you. Not with Dani and not with anyone else. I want you and only you for as long as I'm breathing. This is not how I had this evening planned, but here it goes. Annie, when I first saw you again, for the first time in years, you were a vision in red. It was in that moment that I wanted nothing and nobody else. You stole my power to think. You stole my heart. No, that's not entirely true. I'm giving you my heart, willingly. I hope you'll accept it and not only that, but I hope you'll agree to become my wife. Annabelle Welker, will you marry me?"

She nodded, more tears running down her cheeks and said, "Yes, Jason Harris, I will marry you."

I grabbed her face and kissed her through her tears, before picking her up and carrying her to the bed. I'd planned on lighting some candles and I already had rose pedals strewn around the room. I'd been planning on ordering her favorite meal from the Mexican place down the street and had planned a relaxing evening with wine and mood music. I'd wanted the night to be perfect for her, but that plan was gone. Now all I wanted was to get her naked and worship every inch of her.

As I began to strip her of her clothing, she reached for me to do the same. As soon as we were naked, I cupped her breasts in my hands, tweaking her nipples in the process and loving the moans she was making. When she reached for me, wrapping her hand around my erection, it was my turn to moan. Before I knew what she was doing, she pushed me back on the bed and moved between my legs. I thought she would straddle me, but instead she bent her head and took me completely into her mouth. I almost flew right off the bed. There was nothing better than Annie's mouth wrapped around my dick, except being inside of her.

With her delectable ass in the air, she worked me over with her mouth and I was in heaven. I could feel myself ready to come too soon though, so I took control again. I flipped her over, making her squeak in surprise at the sudden turn of events. Then I made her moan again, when I bent and slid my tongue through her slick folds. I took her clit into my mouth and sucked, causing her hips to thrust toward my face. With a grin, I worked her over with my tongue, before slipping two fingers inside of her. With a gasp, I knew she was already coming because her inner muscles threatened to break my fingers as she clamped around them.

When she slumped to the mattress I moved up her body, but when I reached for my bedside dresser, her hand clutched my arm. I looked at her expectantly and she smiled, "I don't want anything between us. We'll be husband and wife soon. I don't want anything between us ever again."

"Baby." I said with a groan, but added, "What if you get pregnant, though? Don't you want to do things right? An engagement, a wedding, get your career more firmly off the ground, and only then start a family?"

Her smile widened, "I want all of those things, but with you I don't care what order we do them in. I just want to feel you and only you. Please."

I couldn't deny her, even if I wanted to, which I didn't. I moved back over her and slowly slide my way home. Home. That's exactly what she was to me. I began to move and with every thrust I promised her the world. I'd do anything for her. I'd give her anything she wanted. I'd be exactly what she needed.

"Jason!" She gasped when she reached her climax again and I pumped harder, eager to join her. When I did, I grunted my release and gathered her close.

"I love you, Annie. I don't want a long engagement. I just made love to you without a condom. I never had a dad, growing up, and I refuse to see my own child born without my last name."

"I love you too, Jason. I'll marry you tomorrow if that's what you want."

We got married three weeks later, by a justice of the peace. The only people present were Drew, Kira, my mom, Henry, and Hope. Vincent called right after we'd made it legal and offered his private jet to take us to is vacation home in the Bahamas for a proper honeymoon. Annie had cried at his generosity and we'd thanked him profusely. It was crazy how fast things could change. Before attending Drew's wedding, where I'd reconnected with Annie, I'd been such a mess. I wasn't sure how to turn my life around and was not motivated to do so. Annie changed all of that. She changed me. She gave me my life back and I'd forever be grateful to her for that. Life was so good.

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