Chapter Seven

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7 - Jason P.O.V.

Tonight was the night of the fashion show. Annie was nervous, but I knew she'd do great. She was already at the studio and I promised that I'd be in the audience when it began. I needed to get a move on or I'd be late. I hurried toward the door of my apartment, but when I swung it open, I never imagined that I'd get punched in the face. The fist came flying at me before I had time to duck and it connected with my right eye and cheekbone. When I recovered, I blinked out of my good eye and winced, seeing Drew and Kira. She was now yelling at Drew for punching me, but Drew kept a deadly glare directed my way. He knew. He knew about Annie and me.

"Drew, let me—"

Drew held up his hands, "No, you let me. How could you? I trusted you and you went and betrayed me by sleeping with my sister? Don't give me some bullshit about being in love with her either, because you told me you'd never fall in love again, after Dani."

"That's just it. This is actually the first time I've been in love. Now that I'm in love with Annie, I realize that I never loved Dani in the first place." I tell him and this time I see the fist coming, so I duck and glare, "Cut it out, man. I get that you're mad and I understand why, but you should know that Annie has changed me. I know that you know about all of the girls after Dani, because I told you about them myself, but you have to know that I'd never treat Annie like that. She's special."

Drew snorted, "So you expect me to believe that you're suddenly a changed man after only a couple weeks? When did you start seeing Annie as anything other than a little sister figure?"

"At your wedding." I admitted and Drew looked ready to punch me again. I held up my hands and continued, "When Annie walked into your wedding, in that fancy red dress, I didn't know who she was at first. I hadn't seen her in years. All I saw was a beautiful woman, who I instantly wanted to get to know. Alright, so I actually just wanted to get her into bed, but..."

I paused and moved around the side of the couch, when Drew started toward me saying, "I'm going to kill you."

"Wait—wait, I didn't take her to bed that night. I did kiss her though, before I even knew who she was. Then when I found out that she was Annie, that should have squashed the new feelings I was having for her, but it didn't. I still wanted her. I vowed not to do anything about it though, because I didn't want to ruin our friendship. So I left to come home the next day, instead of staying the few extra days like I'd planned."

"So you didn't really have to get back because of work?" Drew asked, sounding a little calmer.

"No, I really was trying to be a good friend to you, by putting distance between your sister and me. Then she showed up on my doorstep unannounced and..."

Drew interrupted, "She said that she talked to you beforehand and you were alright with her staying here. I thought it'd be a good idea, to keep her away from any guys who just wanted to get into her pants. Little did I know that you're one of those guys!"

I shook my head, "I'm not one of those guys though. I want so much more than just the physical with Annie. I really do love her, man, and no, I didn't know ahead of time that she was coming. Trust me, if I'd known, I never would have brought a girl home the night before."

"You mean to tell me that you screwed some random girl the night before Annie arrived and now, suddenly, you're in love with Annie. It doesn't happen that quickly!" Drew bellowed.

"How fast did you fall in love with me?" Kira asked.

"Kira, don't—"

Kira glared and continued, "No, you don't, Drew. You're being an idiot right now. You've known Jason your whole life and even though he lost his way for a couple years, he's obviously back now, and you have your sister to thank for that. You didn't hear how happy Annie sounded when she talked about Jason on the phone the other day. She's happy with him and he's obviously happy with her. Annie isn't a child anymore and you've got to let her live. Even if they end up breaking up some day, you can't protect Annie forever. Now are we going to this shindig or not?"

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