Days Gone Bye Part 1

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Going day by day having to watch your back at all times is hard. Though when the life of another is yours to also care for, it's even harder. Every unknown corner you turn first, all uncertain abandon areas you scope out first. You are in charge, you hold two lives in your hands and neither you must give up on. No matter the cost, both must live for without one another they will surely perish. Maybe not physical, but surely emotionally or mentally. Quinn Dawson was one of survivors who was watching after the life of another. Her brother, Spencer. At only ten years old he was dependent on his sister during a time like this. All they had was each other now, they weren't part of a big group, nor did they have any living family left. So Quinn was the leader of the two, she made the decisions best for them both. Though her brother was only ten, she knew he had to toughen up a bit. Weak people died, she didn't want that to happen to him. She wouldn't allow it.

The two of them were making their way through a hospital, wanting to possibly gather up on some more medical supplies. Their footsteps were quiet as they briskly walked it was obvious the place had been abandoned a long while ago. Quinn only hoped there was some supplies still to be scavenged, even if it was only a few bandages. Neither were hurt currently but it was always good to stock up. Turning the hall they stood at what had been a former nurses station.

"Come on" Quinn said quietly, placing her hand on Spencer's back as they walked over to the desk. "You look for bandages, don't touch anything else, no syringes, nothing like that okay?" she clarified. Spencer nodded smiling up at her before he began to search. Quinn returned the smile before she began searching around the cabinets. She unzipped her bag that contained some other supplies, ready to take whatever she found. "Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Morphine, Amoxicillin, Pencillin, how were these left behind?" she questioned to herself, carefully placing the medicine into her bag. Turning to one of the drawers she found a pack of syringes and a coil of thread along with a needle, that could be used for stitches.

"I got my stuff" Spencer said showing his open bag to Quinn so she could see what was inside.

Seeing some bandages, plasters and even gauze that he'd managed to find she smiled at him. Ruffling his hair lightly she chuckled. "Good job Spence, now zip up and let's go" Both zipped up their bags and threw them onto their bags just as a bang was heard and echoed through the room. Immediately Quinn stood in front of Spencer. Peeking around the corner she saw a man having come through the doors, which caused the bang. He wore a hospital gown and bandage around his side. He tried pushing the elevator button in a panic though it wasn't working.

"Hey" Quinn called though not too loudly in case there were stray walkers within. Quickly the man's attention was on her.

"Are you a nurse here?" he asked, walking towards her. It was obvious to tell the man wasn't in the best state, mindset wise. He wasn't calm in the way she was, he was nervous, on edge.

"No, there's no nurses here" she replied in confusion. Was it not obvious that this place was abandoned, if not for the look of it but the dead silence within. Spencer made his way over to where Quinn stood, though she kept him by her side.

"I'm Rick Grimes, I'm a police officer. I need you to tell me what's going on, where is everybody?" he questioned. Quinn furrowed her eyebrows at him. 'Does he not know?' she thought to herself. As she looked him over it dawned that he was wearing the gown. He was a patient, no patient stayed behind when they heard what was happening beyond the walls. Unless, he hadn't heard about it somehow.

"I'm Quinn, this is Spencer" she said, dropping her gaze to her brother whom remained at her side. "Firstly you gotta calm down, secondly everyone left when they heard what was happening" her words were vague, but she wanted to see if he had any idea of what was going on at all.

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