Wildfire Part 1

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Quinn laid in the tent, her hands resting under her head. She waited until everything went quiet outside, Shane having entered roughly ten minutes ago. She pretended to be asleep so he wouldn't try and talk to her. Rolling over she looked at him making sure he was asleep. Moving again she grabbed her shoes and placed them on before she unzipped a portion of the tent and looked out to see if anyone was outside. The only person she saw was Andrea still over Amy's body. Though she wouldn't be bother, getting out she straightened out her top before walking. Her stroll was quiet to not gather any unwanted attention. She knew everyone would be on edge so the slightly noise could awake them. Tip toeing she made her way over to where Spencer laid. Her breath was low as she moved to sit down near him. Sitting there for she remained quiet for a few minutes just looking at him. Her eyes became teary again she she cleared her throat to try and stop herself from crying again.

"I'm sorry Spencer" she whispered shaking her head. "If I didn't go to get Merle I could have been here to keep you safe. Before coming here I never went anywhere without you, I should have kept it that way" she said placing her head in her hands. "But I thought I could trust these people to keep you safe" Her breath was shaking as she spoke. Inhaling deeply she raised her head to wipe her eyes, removing any tears that threatened to spill. "I'm not gonna let things get in my way anymore... I'm not gonna be Ms. Sunshine and happiness... I can't, I can't do that without you" she gulped. "I've lost everyone... first mom and now you. I'm alone. I let myself get in the way of protecting you and I'm so sorry" she blabbed. Looking over him her eyes moved to hand on his hand, around his wrist was still the bracelet she'd given him. Reaching over she slowly slid it off his wrist before holding it. Sighing she rubbed it against her pants to remove any blood on it. Once it was clean she loosed it a bit to fit on her wrist before she dropped her arm to the side again. "I don't want people to think I'm weak, just because I try to be nice in this hell hole. So that ain't happenin' anymore" she shook her head as she pushed herself to her feet. "Night Spence" she whispered before turning on her heels and making her way back to the tent.

The next morning...

Quinn strolled out of the tent, already the group was at work to rid the bodies. Tucking her hands in the back pockets of her jeans she began walking. She saw Lori knelt beside Andrea talking to her, Andrea was still in the same position as Quinn had seen her last night. Lori slowly moved to stand again, as she turned to walk away from Andrea her eyes made contact with Quinn. As soon as she made contact her eyes widened as she swallowed the lump in the throat. Quinn looked at her lifeless, not entirely engaging she was there as she moved along. While Quinn turned and walked away Lori took a step forward. Opening her mouth she tried to say something as Quinn walked off, but no words came out. Just an exhale frustratingly as she walked away. Quinn eye's moved to see Daryl wailing a pick axe into the skull of a walker, making sure it was dead. Walking away Glenn and T-Dog picked up the body and threw it into a lit fire which already held some corpses. "What are y'all doin'?" she asked, looking between Glenn and T-Dog.

Both shared a look nervously before facing Quinn. "We um, we're burning the geeks and our people, we're gonna bury. So they go that side" Glenn explained pointing to where some already laid.

"Alright" she nodded as she turned. Making her way towards were Spencer still laid she picked him up in her arms with ease. She tried to refrain from looking at him as she began to walk towards where Glenn had pointed out. Walking in the direction, her attention moved to Glenn, Daryl and Morales. Morales and Daryl were carrying a body towards the fire, though it wasn't a walker.

"What are you guys doing? This is for geeks. Our people go over there" Glenn explained.

"What's the difference? They're all infected" Daryl tried to argue.

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