Days Gone Bye Part 2

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The rest of the meal was pretty silent, the only occasional noise was the cutlery hitting off the plate. Once everyone had finished eating they headed to the living room, which was really more of a bedroom now. Morgan had been kind enough to set up a place for Rick, Quinn and Spencer to sleep for the night. Spencer wanted to crash on the couch which they were fine with. Quinn's bed was next to Rick's so they were both close to Spencer. The kids were laying down while the adults were sat up in their make shift beds. 

"Carl, he your son? You said his name today" Morgan said, bringing both Rick and Quinn's attention to him. 

"He's a little younger than your boy, around the same age as Spencer" Rick said glancing to Quinn. 

"And he's with his mother?" Morgan asked. 

"I hope so" Rick breathed. 

"Dad? Did you ask him?" Duane asked, raising his head from his pillow a small bit. 

"Your gun shot. We got a little bet going. My boy say you're a bank robber" 

The all shared a light breathy exhale of amusement at Morgan's words. "Yeah. That's me. Deadly as Dillinger Kapow. Sheriff's deputy" Rick nodded. After Rick's words a car alarm sounded alerting all of them. 

Duane jumped up from his lying position worried. "Hey, it's ok, daddy's here. It's nothing. One of them must've bumped a car" Morgan assured him, his hands on Duane's arms. 

"You sure?" Rick asked, moving slightly from where he sat. 

"Happened once before, went on for a few minutes. Get the light Duane" Morgan said as he moved from his bed, along with Rick and Quinn. Once the light had been turned down they moved the cover slightly from the window to look outside. "It's the blue one, down the street. Same one as last time. I think we're ok"

"That noise won't it bring more of them?" 

"Nothing to do about it now. Just have to wait 'em out till morning" Morgan huffed. 

Duane had moved from his place and now stood at the window. Having move a covering further down he too was looking out the window. He inhaled sharply before he spoke. "She's here"

Quinn furrowed her eyebrows as she tried to see who Duane was referring to. A dark skinned woman walked into her vision, Quinn presumed giving her age she must have been his mother. Morgan got Duane to move away from the window, he began to cry as he got back to the bed. Morgan joined him and tried to coo him and hush him. When Rick moved from the window Quinn moved back to her bed. She looked up at Spencer who remained sleeping. She fiddled with her fingers slightly, something Quinn did when she didn't know what to do, or felt uncomfortable. The door handle began to rattle from the other side, quickly Rick came back to the living room and sat down. 

"She, uh she died in the other room, on that bed/ Nothin' I could do about it. That fever, man. Her skin gave off heat like a furnace. Should have put her down, I should have put her down, I know that, but you know what I just didn't have it in me. She's the mother of my child" 

Quinn kept her gaze low while Morgan spoke. She didn't know what to say, she didn't want to interject. Though she knew how it could be hard to put down someone you loved... but hey she did it, she had to. Spencer turning lightly in his sleep brought Quinn's eyes to him, watching him tentatively. "He's still asleep?" Rick questioned, surprised he hadn't woke up when the alarm went off or when they were talking.

"Yeah, he's a very heavy sleeper. Hard to wake him up" she chuckled lightly. "I used to be the same, not anymore. Can't risk being a heavy sleeper" she shrugged. 

The next morning...

 When they awoke Morgan had gotten a new change of clothes for Rick to wear, rather than the hospital gown for another day. Once everyone was up and changed Morgan brought Rick outside, wanting him to killing a walker. Quinn had suggested to Morgan that Spencer and Duane stayed inside, to which he agreed. Thankfully the walker population outside had decreased immensely compared to last night. Walking out the door Rick kept checking that they were dead. It was reassuring for Quinn to see he wouldn't kill a real living person. That was a moral some people seemed to have lost since everything went down. Rick used a bat, it being quiet and it worked every time as long as you got a good few blows to the head. Quinn headed back inside when Duane said that he wanted to join his dad and Rick as they went over to his house. Walking to the living room she saw Spencer. 

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