Tell It To The Frogs Part Two

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Morning later rolled around. Quinn's eyes fluttered open as she began to slowly awake from her sleep. Quickly she jumped up, unaware of her surroundings. After looking around for a moment she relaxed, remember where she was. Her sleep had certainly been one of the better she'd had in the last while. She had fallen into a deep sleep, less cautious knowing there were other's around. Not seeing Spencer she assumed he had woken up earlier and was already outside, with Shane not in sight she assumed the same. After getting dressed, grabbing her Haladie and one gun she strolled out of the tent, seeing everyone already up and doing stuff. As her eyes scanned the area she looked ahead to see Rick standing beside Glenn, just in front of them some of the other's were working to take apart the stolen car.

Rick turned around and saw Quinn. "Morning" he greeted as he began to walk towards her.

"Hey" she smiled folding her arms over her chest. "Where's your uniform Sheriff?" she asked, grabbing the short sleeve of the white t-shirt he wore.

"Carol washed it for me" he said nodding over to where she stood. "How'd you sleep?"

"Good, Shane's tent is pretty spacious"

"You slept in Shane's tent?" Rick quickly asked, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Yeah, you disappeared off with Lori and Carol. Spencer and I didn't have anywhere to sleep. I asked Dale and he got Shane, said there was room in his tent so we slept there" she explained, shrugging lightly.

"I'm sorry Quinn I should have waited to see if you were all set up" Rick apologised rubbing the back of his neck annoyed with himself.

"It's fine, ain't nothing you can do about it now" she huffed looking away from him for a second. "You seen Spencer?"

"Nah I just woke up" he informed her.

"Anybody seen Spencer?" Quinn called out as she moved away from Rick. Some of the group looked to her and shook their heads, other's telling her no. Their attention left Quinn when they heard a vehicle approaching, Shane driving it.

"Water's here y'all" he announced as he got out. "Just a reminder to boil before use"

Quinn exhaled lightly when she saw Spencer hopping out the other side of Shane's ride. "There you are" she breathed as she walked over to them. Andrea and some other's coming to grab the water.

"Sorry if we worried you. You were sleeping and Spencer was bored so I told him he could tag along" Shane explained.

"Next time I would appreciate you waking me up and asking before you take my brother out" Quinn nodded, not entirely impressed with Shane's actions. Shane nodded understandingly as he joined the other's in grabbing the containers with water. Quinn pondered for a moment as she looked to Spencer's happy face. "Shane" she called, making him turn to look at her. "Thanks" she said, feeling slightly guilty for having come across as what she perceived to be rude. Shane smiled to her, but then a scream was heard alerting everyone.


Instinctively a few members ran towards the calls as they continued. "Stay here!" Quinn pointed to Spencer before she took off into the woods behind some others. Pulling her Haladie from her hip the cover's sliding off with ease. Her grip was tight on her weapon as she reached where the other's stopped. A walker was on his knees feeding from a deer. Moving closer they all began to hit the walker to the ground before Dale chopped the head off.

"It's the first one we've had up here. They never come this far up the mountain" Dale pointed out.

"Well, they're running out of food in the city, that's what" Ed commented as they all looked down to the dead walker. Suddenly they were all on high alert again as they heard rustling coming from the trees. Their eyes scanned trying to see what was making the noise, all weapons ready in case they needed to attack. The rustling continued as they watched, until a person came into view holding a crossbow. Thankfully it wasn't a walker.

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