Wildfire Part 2

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Quinn smiled, feeling some small happiness having come from talking with Carl. Looking back over her shoulder she saw Lori and Carol emerge from the R.V. She watched them walk away before quickly walked over to the R.V and walking inside, knowing Rick was still there. He looked back and stood up when he saw Quinn enter.

"H- hey, how are you?" he asked, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Good" she shrugged nonchalantly. "Can I um... talk to you over here?" she inquired, pointing to the other side of the R.V. Rick nodded and the two walked over to the other end away from Jim. "Rick, what are you doing?"

"He's sick Quinn, he needs our help"

"He's turning. He's got that fever right? The one Morgan's wife had?" she questioned, already knowing the answer. "Remember how he said he knew he should have put her down? This is the time you make that realisation before it's too late. Look I like Jim too, but I don't wanna be sleeping and wake up to him terrorizing us because he's turned in the middle of the night"

"I can't do that" Rick admitted shaking his head. "There's gotta be another way. I can't just kill someone who needs help"

"He's passed the point of help Rick. He's sweating, he'll be in pain, suffering, and eventually turn. The best thing you can do, is put him out of his misery" she whispered, looking at him with seriousness.

"I'll watch him tonight to make sure nothing happens" he nodded reassuringly.

Quinn paused for a moment as she looked to the side away from him. "Rick I like how kind and helpful you are. But sooner or later you gotta realise there are some situations you are not in control of" she huffed as she walked passed him and out of the R.V. Later on Dale, Shane and Rick came back from their sweep through the woods. He told them that whoever wanted to come, they would be leaving first thing in the morning. He was going with Rick's instincts and would follow him. Quinn had saw herself with no option but to follow them. She wasn't stupid enough to go out on her own, surviving when it was just her and Spencer was hard enough, doing it solo would be even harder.

The next morning...

When everyone woke up they all gathered their things. Knowing today was the day they left, either all together or some separating under their own free will. Quinn had gathered all the needed supplies that had been in Spencer's bag and placed them in her own. In it remained some clothes and other stuff. Picking up the backpack he made her way over to Carol who was with Sophia.

"Carl" she addressed, making him turn to face her.

"Hey Quinn" he smiled as he walked over to meet her.

"Listen I got some stuff here, if you're interested?" she asked. Kneeling down she opened the bag as Carl knelt with her. "I've got these sneakers, pretty good for running, still brand new. Wanna try 'em on? See if they fit?" she smiled.

Carl nodded smiling as he took the shoes, removing his current ones he places on the new ones and stood up. "Cool" he chimed as he took a few steps.

"They look about the right size" she nodded before looking back into the bag. "I've got comics" she said, pulling them out. "Spencer felt the need to pack some reading material" she laughed shaking her head before putting them back in the bag. "There's clothes in here as well, you and Spence were about the same size so they should fit" She stood up as she held the bag out to him. "You don't have to take 'em, just thought I'd offer"

Carl reached forward and took the backpack, zipping it up as he smiled at her. "Thanks Quinn"

"No problem buddy, make sure you let Sophia read some of them comics too" she nodded before turning and walking away. As she walked she noticed Rick walking. "Hey" she called walking towards him. "I thought you were watching Jim at all times?"

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