chapter øne

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| the dark's not taking prisoners tonight. |

it's one of those nights where nothing makes sense.

everything is out of proportion and blurred, and tyler doesn't feel like deciphering what any of it means.

it seems like forever ago that he heard the tv turn off in the room below; his parents climbing the stairs to bed, while he lay staring at the ceiling and wishing he was tired.

josh is supposed to come over tonight- but he's already an hour late. tyler refuses to even try and sleep until josh comes. or morning comes. whatever gets here first.

he jumps at the tap on the window, rushing to pull it open to allow josh inside his bedroom. "you're late," he points out as josh maneuvers himself into the room. he's not really mad, though, because now that josh is here, everything makes sense. the blurriness evaporates. his senses seem to sharpen.

"whatever," josh sighs breathlessly. tyler guesses he ran here. "you look tired."

"i'm not." tyler rolls his eyes. "you're not my mom, josh."

"i might as well be," josh laughs and gives him a playful push. tyler smacks him on the shoulder in response.

it somehow leads to a pillow fight, both boys trying to be as quiet as possible. tyler squeals as josh thwacks him hard with a pillow, falling down onto his bed and holding up his hands.

"i surrender!" he gasps, before falling into a fit of giggles.

they both freeze at the sound of footsteps. tyler feels like he's in middle school all over again as he shoves josh into his closet.

the door opens as soon as tyler jumps back into bed and yanks up the covers, but the light flicks on and there's no way he can act like he's asleep.

"tyler? who were you talking to?" his mom stands on the doorway, one hand on the doorframe and the other rubbing her eye sleepily.

"no one, mom," tyler says quietly, flicking his eyes to the closet door and back again.

his mom scans his room, slowly, warily.

"you shouldn't be up so late," she finally murmurs. her sleep-fogged mind prevents her from asking more questions, and she does nothing but sigh and yawn. "get some sleep, tyler."

"ok." tyler waits until her footsteps recede to nothing before he dares to move.

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