chapter ten

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| rain down
and destroy me |

one day, tyler's mom comes into his room at 8:00 and tells him to get dressed, they're going out. tyler is so surprised that he does what's he's told questioning it. he really hasn't been outside for a while, unless it's to go to a session, in a really long time.

he descends the stairs cautiously. there's no appointments today as far as he's concerned.

his parents are both waiting for him at the kitchen table. they ask if he wants anything to eat and he shakes his head no, and his mom smiles brightly at him and tells him that it's ok because they'll get something to eat somewhere else.

he gets in the back seat of the car and waits until they're out of the neighborhood before he asks where they're going.

"dr hammond suggested we take you for a day out," his dad replies. "she said it would be good for you."

tyler thinks about this. he doesn't particularly want to spend an entire day with his parents, but what choice does he have now? he considers speaking up, saying they should have invited josh, but that would make his dad sigh a lot and his mom meek and exasperated, so he decides against it.

they go to a little chinese restaurant downtown. his parents order for him, and tyler wants so badly to sulk, but his mom is so happy and his dad is smiling, so tyler tries to play along. and- somehow- he forgets about josh.

that is, until he sees a flash of bright pink and stands up so fast he gets dizzy.

the pink turns out to be a little girls' jacket and then tyler remembers that josh's hair isn't that pink anymore, anyway.

"tyler?" his parents are staring at him. they look worried.

"sorry," he mumbles, and he means it. he sits back down. "thought i saw someone."

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