chapter five

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| all my friends are heathens
take it slow |

"your mom and i want you to stop talking to josh."

the words push inside of tyler like a knife, tearing through his skin and lodging somewhere between his ribs. it hurts. don't his parents understand? don't they want him to be happy?

his mouth fills with sawdust as he tries to search for the right words.

"he's my only friend!" he finally forces out, the words sounding too loud and high-pitched and disappointingly pathetic. 

his parents let him run up the stairs, away from their attempts at conversation, away from their sad eyes. they don't yell after him or tell him to come back down. they know what they've done.

tyler slams his bedroom door as hard as he can. it bangs against the doorframe and shakes the entire house. he flops down onto his bed and thinks of josh. his strong arms and the glint of a nose ring and his squinty-eyed, sunshine smile. his chocolate-chip mocha eyes.

no, he won't stop talking to josh.

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