chapter six

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| my friends and i,
we've got a lot of problems |

"why don't your parents like me?" josh asks one day. he's frowning at tyler, which is making him increasingly uncomfortable.

"because you're a terrible influence on me," he jokes, trying in vain to lighten the mood. but it's not a joke, because tyler's pretty sure that's the actual reason.

"i'm serious." they're sitting on tyler's bed. he can hear his parents talking in low voices downstairs. "is there something wrong with me?"

"nothing is wrong with you," tyler insists. he desperately wants to cheer him up. "they just don't know you. they don't see you like i do." he shifts around on top of the covers, tapping his fingers on his knees. "honestly, josh-"

"they asked you to stop talking to me." josh's expression has gone cold. his frown has disappeared and replaced with a grimace. "and you're considering it."

tyler thinks before he answers. he didn't even realize that he'd been considering it, but now that josh has said it, he knows that he has been.

"maybe we need some space, josh."

he stands up immediately, staring at tyler likes he's never seen him before. regret washes over him right away, wave after guilty wave.

"don't look at me like that-"

"you're right. we do need space. i don't know who you are anymore."


"no." and he's gone, before tyler can try and pull him back.

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