Chapter 10

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10:30 pm.

That was the time on the grandfather clock in the hall when they left their room that day.

Ford and his wife said nothing as they saw them stroll quite content into the living room. Luke sank down onto the red love seat opposite their dark brown couch and pulled Maya down beside him and tucked her into his side.

Luke grinned presumptuously at his friends while Maya tried her very best to look them in the eye after what she knew they thought of their situation to be entirely different and a lot more intense than it actually was.

There was a very pregnant silence that was only be broken by the sound of small feet dragging on the tiled floor.

All heads swiveled around to face the hall where a sleepy Claire approached, dragging a ragged teddy bear behind her.

"Uncle Luke?" she called as she entered the living room.

"Yes baby?" he enquired as she crawled up into his lap and secured herself against his chest.

"Can you tell me a story?" she asked behind a yawn.

"Of course", he said then he began to narrate.

"Once upon a time there was a great kingdom that was ruled by a great Prince.

Every day the prince would sit in his royal garden and stare into space.

Every one called him the lonely prince.

Then one day something changed.

He met a girl and he was enamored by her beauty.

She was a peasant girl and the day they met she had been sitting under a mango tree and she was crying.

The prince felt so bad and he wanted to help so he sat next to her and asked her what was wrong.

She told him that her mother didn't like her and that she hurt her.

The prince was furious and sought to destroy her mother but the peasant girl begged him not to.

He agreed and had her live in the palace with him.

One day when the prince went to see her he could find her nowhere. He searched the entire palace grounds and even to the ends of his kingdom but she was no where to be found.

She had disappeared and the prince was lonely again."

Luke paused in his tale and noticed that he held the attention of the entire room.

He smiled gently at his M who had a look shining in her eyes. He kissed her forehead lightly and continued on with his made up tale for the little girl in his arms who was more a daughter to him than a niece.

"What happens next Uncle Luke?" she questioned eagerly anticipating the rest of the story.

"Well, the prince searched and searched and searched until he was very weary and tired but he never gave up until finally he found her.

She was so small and tried her best to not meet his stare because she had been so embarrassed.

She had ran away because her mother had threatened to hurt him if she stayed.

The prince was very angry and he had her mother arrested, tried and then she was put away forever.

The prince and the princess admitted their love for each other. They got married and lived happily ever after".

When Luke finished his story and looked around the room he noticed that both his friends were fast asleep and wrapped in each other's arms.

Claire was also fast asleep and curled up in the safety of his arms while Maya was pressed against his side with her head resting on his shoulder.

He smiled softly down at her and pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead. He gently eased her back onto the sofa and rose with Claire in his arms.

He quietly made his way out of the room and up the stairs into Claire's room. He placed her on the bed and tucked her in with her bear then left as quietly as he'd entered turning the lights off and leaving the door open a crack on his way out.

When he got back Ford was awake and had his wife lifted up in his arms.

Luke whispered for him to meet him back in the living room after he had gotten her to bed.

He was given a nod before his friend swept out of the room holding his wife securely in his arms.

Luke spent a good minute looking at his lady before lifting her up into his arms to get her to bed.

He still couldn't believe how blessed he has been by just having her in his life again.

Sometimes he couldn't believe she was in his life and that she was completely and solely his.
Sometimes he found himself just sitting down to himself and throwing back the curtains of memories now and then.

He sometimes can't help but to acknowledge the great hand of God in his life.

He has blessed him with a priceless gem.


A gift.

A great angel.

And at moments a slap to the face was what reminded him that this was indeed reality.

This wasn't make belief.

It wasn't fantasy.

It was real.

All of it was real and at moments he was so baffled and impressed that he could only sit and allow himself to reabsorb all that has happened in his life.

When he moved he had thought he had lost her forever. He had thought there would be no more times when he gave her his ice cream because she had dropped hers, no more times of them sharing his lunch because her mother thought her unworthy of receiving any, no more times of taking care of her whether she was hurt or not, no more times of doting on her when she was sick, not being able to wrap his arms around her and to just hold her.

It had been frightening and he was so grateful for her.

His diamond in the rough.

His priceless treasure.


So I thought that video went with this chapter especially the section with Luke weaving his tale. How about you?


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