Chapter 17

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"Mommy hide me daddy's coming to get me", six year old Sidney said to her mother, running into the kitchen and crawling into her lap.

Her mother laughed and gathered the child close to her bosom.

"Of course my child I'll always protect you. I promise", she said to her little girl.

Just then her husband ran into the room and he grinned when he saw his wife holding their daughter protectively against her chest.

"I wonder where my little angel has gone. Honey, have you seen her?" He asked looking under the glass dining table.

His smile grew larger when he heard his little girl giggling.

Just when they thought they were safe he sprang at them and grabbed his baby up into his arms.

"No mommy help!" she cried laughingly as she reached out to her mother.

"Unhand my child you monster," his dear wife growled at him before she attacked his ticklish sides.

Laughter filled the house as the child escaped.

"Run baby run", her mother shouted at her as she was captured by the daddy monster as the child had taken to calling her daddy when they played this particular game.

"No I won't leave you with the daddy monster. You let her go you bad monster", she said before she proceeded to poke his sides causing him to laugh.

He ended the game when he realized his baby thought he was actually going to hurt her mommy. He lead them both to the multi-colored sofa in the living room where he sat and pulled his wife and child onto his lap.

"Sidney, baby, you know I won't ever hurt you or your mommy right? I love both of you with all my heart. Both of you are my life and I would be lost without you guys. I will protect both of you for as long as I have breath OK?" he asked his little girl.

"Yes daddy I love you too and mommy", she said hugging them both.

"And guess what honey?" her mother asked.

"What is it mommy? Tell me please", she squealed.

"You're going to be a big sister soon", she said not only shocking her daughter but also her dear husband.

"You're pregnant", he choked out while his daughter had slid off his lap and was currently jumping around the room squealing.

"Yes honey. Surprise?" She said with a big grin on her face.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2020 ⏰

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