Chapter 2

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I had been on edge since that day when I heard the voice of my savior but I was yet to see his face. At least I knew it was a man.

I kept what happened to myself and went about my daily life. Lilly hadn't phoned or text me since that day and I missed her. Why did I have to tell her? Why did I mess everything up?

"You don't mess everything up Lacey. I wish you wouldn't put yourself down so much, it breaks my heart" the voice said.

I looked around the room and there was no one speaking. My mother was making coffee and my father had already left for work. Why do I feel so alone?

"You are never alone. I will always be here for you and protect you" the voice said.

My mother didn't stur as she finished making her coffee. This voice was only in my head and no where else. Although it freaked me out that it was only in my head but the voice made me feel safe. I finally had a voice to go with the person who is protecting me.

"I'm going to work now honey" my mother says as she kisses the top of my head. "Be safe"

I gave her a small smile as she left the house once again leaving me alone in the house. I sighed as I started to get ready to leave.

"Okay Lacey, you don't need Lilly anyway. You are fine on your own" I tell myself as I open the door and leave.

Everyone was going about there to day to day lives. I stared at them intentionally trying to see if any of them are my savior but none of them even looked at me.

"You won't find me in the crowds. I'm in the darkness but don't you worry Lacey. I will reveal myself very soon" the voice said.

My head shot around the park where I was walking. What did he mean he was in the darkness? Is he a fucking goth? I rolled my eyes and headed towards the coffee shop where Lilly and I used to go and check out cute guys. But now here I was alone and being watched by someone who claims to be in the darkness.

I ordered my usual blackberry and raspberry ice cooler and sat down at a table next to the window. There were groups of friends and couples all around me and I was alone. No friends since the only friend I had thought I was insane and my family already thought I was crazy but do whatever they can to block out anything I say unless they want to hear it.

People came and went but I remained at the table staring out the window looking like someone out of a sad movie. Like if I was in a movie right now, The Sound of Silence or Mad World would be playing in the background as rain poured down the window. I was honestly pathetic.

"Excuse me miss" a female voice said to me.

I looked up to see a waitress with brown hair that was pulled up in to a ponytail. She stared down at me with sympathy in her eyes as she looked down at the sad girl with no friends.

"Yeah?" I say looking up at her.

"I'm going to have to ask you to leave as you have been sitting her for an awfully long time" she says.

I nodded and collected my things and left quickly to try avoid anymore embarrassment. Tears were forming in my eyes as I broke in to a sprint. Everyone was turning and looking at me as I ran towards them. I should of been looking where I was going as I ran out in to the middle of the road.

The cars breaks screeched as I stopped and braced myself for death, hopefully for the last time. That's how low I felt at that moment, I wanted death to come. But I felt something grab me and wind flew through my hair.

"Why do you keep getting yourself in to these situations?" A male voice said.

I opened my eyes to be face to face with him. My savior. But I couldn't see him, his dark hoodie covered his face so I couldn't see him.

"Show me your face" I said.

He sighed. "No there's still time"

"Who are you?" I ask. It took me a while to realize I was pretty much lying on his lap on top of a hill far away from the road.

"Lacey, I'm breaking so many laws just by letting you see me. I should of ran away by now but for some reason I needed you to see me" he says.

"Laws? I've never heard a law that states you can't show me your face" I said slightly confused.

"There not for you. You're human, you have different laws to mine" he says.

I look at him confused. "Human? What the hell are you talking about?"

He pushes me slightly off of him and he stands up so he is standing above me.

"I must go now Lacey. I'm going to be in so much trouble" he says as he leans down and kisses my forehead. "See you soon"

And just like that he was gone. I was left sitting on the grass thinking about him. He kissed the top of my head but what did he mean by human laws? How were mine different from his? What the fuck was he?

I ran my hand through my head and got up from the grass and made my way home. His hoodie covered his face but at least I knew he was real, I wasn't crazy.

I went straight to my bed and threw myself on to it. Today had been so weird and confusing but I knew one thing. I had to see him again.

My Savior(A Rap Monster Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now